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South Atlantic MPAs and Oculina HAPC: Characterization of Benthic Habitat and Biota.
Characterization of the Mesophotic Coral Reefs in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary
SOUTH ATLANTIC MPAS AND OCULINA HAPC: Characterization of Fish Communities, Benthic Habitat, and Benthic Macrobiota Final Report for 2018-2019 NOAA Ship Pisces Cruises (18-02, 19-02)
CUBA’S MESOPHOTIC CORAL REEFS Sponge Photo Identification Guide 1st Edition
South Atlantic MPAs and Oculina HAPC: Characterization of Fish Communities, Benthic Habitat, and Benthic Macrobiota
Cuba's Mesophotic Coral Reefs Macroalgae Photo Identification Guide
Morphological Diagnoses of Sponges Collected at Shelf-edge MPAs from Eastern Florida to North Carolina, between depths of 51 and 150 m, during CIOERT Expeditions (2018-2019)
NOAA CIOERT Cruise Report South Atlantic MPAs and Oculina HAPC: Characterization of Benthic Habitat and Biota
Cruise Report. Cuba's Twilight Zone Reefs: Remotely Operated Vehicle Surveys of Deep/Mesophotic Coral Reefs and Associated Fish Communities of Cuba
Characterization of Mesophotic Coral/Sponge Habitats and Fish Assemblages in the Regions of Pulley Ridge and Tortugas from ROV Dives during R/V Walton Smith Cruises of 2012 to 2015
A Well-Kept Treasure at Depth: Precious Red Coral Rediscovered in Atlantic Deep Coral Gardens (SW Portugal) after 300 Years
South Atlantic MPAs and Oculina HAPC: Characterization of benthic habitat and biota.  NOAA Ship Pisces Cruise 15-02.  NOAA CIOERT Cruise Report
Semi-annual report.  South Atlantic shelf-edge MPAs and Oculina Experimental Closed Area.  Summary of accomplishments, April 2015 to September 30, 2015.  Project ID#: NA14NMF441049.  Report to SAFMC and NOAA
South Atlantic MPAs and deepwater coral HAPCs: Characterization of benthic habitat, benthic macrobiota, and fish communities; NOAA Ship Nancy Foster 2014 cruise.  NOAA CIOERT Report
South Atlantic MPAs and deepwater coral HAPCs: Characterization of fish communities, benthic habitat, and benthic macrobiota.  Final Report for 2012-2014 NOAA Cruises.   A NOAA CIOERT Report
Preliminary Cruise Report.  2015 HBOI-FAU Cruise.  Mesophotic and deepwater reef ecosystems- ROV/AUV surveys of SW Florida Shelf including Northern Pulley Ridge and Howell Hook regions. May 7-20, 2015
Characterization of the Mesophotic Benthic Habitat and Fish Assemblagesfrom ROV Dives on Pulley Ridge and Tortugas during 2012 and 2013 R/V Walton SmithCruises
South Atlantic MPAs and Deepwater Coral HAPCs: Characterization of Benthic Habitat and Fauna
South Atlantic MPAs and deepwater coral HAPCs: Characterization of Benthic Habitat and Biota; NOAA Ship Pisces 2013 cruise.  NOAA CIOERT Report.
