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A Systematic Review of Family Caregivers of Persons with Serious Mental Illnesses in Non-Western Countries
Can I Ask for Help? The Relationship Among Incarcerated Males’ Sexual Orientation, Sexual Abuse History, and Perceptions of Rape in Prison
Action Research in Doctoral Coursework:  Perceptions of Independent Research Experiences
Reflections on the evolution of the vertebrate tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases
Cross-cultural comparison of plant use knowledge in Baitadi and Darchula districts, Nepal Himalaya
Analysis of neuroanatomical differences in mice with genetically modified serotonin transporters assessed by structural magnetic resonance imaging
Engineering Livable Streets: A Thematic Review of Advancements in Urban Street Design
In Vivo Effects of Methionine Sulfoxide Reductase Deficiency in Drosophila melanogaster
p38α MAPK signaling drives pharmacologically reversible brain and gastrointestinal phenotypes in the SERT Ala56 mouse
Using Peer-Mediated Literacy-Based Behavioral Interventions to Increase First Aid Safety Skills in Students With Developmental Disabilities
Early life conditions that impact song learning in male zebra finches also impact neural and behavioral responses to song in females
Pancreatic deletion of the interleukin-1 receptor disrupts whole body glucose homeostasis and promotes islet β-cell de-differentiation
Design and assessment of a flexible fish robot actuated by shape memory alloys
A Rational and Manageable Value-Added Model for Teacher Preparation Programs
Comparing Help-Seeking Behavior of Male and Female Survivors of Sexual Assault: A Content Analysis of a Hotline
Overcoming the Challenges of Experimental Research: Lessons From a Criminal Justice Case Study Involving TASER Exposure
Population models reveal unexpected patterns of local persistence despite widespread larval dispersal in a highly exploited species
 Region-Specific Regulation of Presynaptic Dopamine Homeostasis by D 2 Autoreceptors Shapes the In Vivo Impact of the Neuropsychiatric Disease-Associated DAT Variant Val559
