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Biodiversity and distribution of deep and shallow watersponges in the Bahamas
In situ growth rates of the scleractinian coral Oculina Varicosa  occurring with zooxanthellae on 6-M reefs and without on 80-M banks
Deepest distribution of Atlantic hermatypic corals discovered in the Bahamas
Deep-water reefs off the southeastern U.S.: recent discoveries and research
Spawning aggregation of beardfish Polymixia lowei, in adeep-water sinkhole off the Florida Keys
Variability of cold-water coral mounds in a high sediment input and tidal current regime, Straits ofFlorida
Sediment produced from abrasion of the branching stony coral Oculina Varicosa
Effects of natural and artificial Thalassia on rates of sedimentation
Antimicrobial constituent of the brown alga Sporochnus pedunculatus
Use of photogrammetric techniques to monitor coral reef recovery following a major ship grounding
Submersible studies of deepwaterOculina and Lophelia coral banks off southeastern U.S.A.
Eastern Atlantic expedition: submersible and scuba collections for bioactive organisms from the Azores to Western Africa
Long term monitoring of a deep-water coral reef: effects of bottom trawling
Biological and geological processes at the shelf edge investigated with submersibles
Oculina coral banks of Florida:conservation and management of a deep-water reserve
Miami ocean-dredged material disposal site: tilefish(Malacanthidae) habitat identification and characterization study
Sustainable use of deep-sea organisms collected for biomedical research
Bioactivity of marine organisms: relationships with taxonomy, geography and depth
Leiodermatolide, a potent antimitotic macrolide from the marine sponge Leiodermatium sp.
Sediments from a living shelf-edge reef and adjacent area off central eastern Florida
