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Fits of Fashion
Somaesthetics, Photography, and Performance Art: A Philosopher in Darkness and in Light
Szómaesztétika és az élet művészete
Lecture at Danish Women's Museum
On Somaesthetics, University of Malaga
Ethics and Aesthetics: Somaesthetics and the Art of Living
Talk about the Screening of Philosophical Encounters with RS
Somaesthetics and the Art of Living
Geidai Workshop Day 2
The Art of Eating
Muscle Memory and the Somaesthetic Pathologies of Everyday Life
Pragmatism, Somaesthetics, and Contemporary Art
Pragmatism, Somaesthetics, and The Economies of Beauty
Aesthetics Transactions: Pragmatism, Somaesthetics, and Contemporary Art
Somaesthetics-Thinking Through the Body and Designing for Interactive Experience
Art as Dramatization Q&A, Nanjing University Lecture, 06/13/2013
Grotowski Institute Workshop, Day 1, 2013
Geidai Workshop Day 1
Ethics and Aesthetics: Somaesthetics and the Art of Living, Modul Dance Symposium
Somaesthetics and Its Implication for CHI
