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FAU Climate Change Initiative Priority Theme: Research, Engineering, and Adaption to a Change Climate
New occurrences of Fortipecten hallae (Dall, 1921) (Mollusca, Bivalvia) in the Pliocene of the North Pacific
Eocene gastropods of Western Kamchatka- implications for high-latitude North Pacific biostratigraphy and biogeography.
A revision of the recent species of Exilia, formerly Benthovoluta (Gastropoda: Turbinellidae)
The Genus Fulgoraria (Gastropoda: Volutidae) of the northeastern Kamchatka Peninsula and Sakhalin Island, with notes on the paleoecology and distribution of the subfamily Fulgorariinae in the Oligocene of the northern Pacific
A refined age for the earliest opening of Bering Strait
Magnitude of Middle Miocene warming in North Pacific high latitudes:  stable isotope evidence from Kaneharaia (Bivalvia, Dosiniinae)