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Trophic ecology of planktonic gelatinous predators in Saanich Inlet, British Columbia: diets and prey selection
Trophic ecology of the deep-sea fish Malacosteus niger (Pisces:Stomiidae):An enigmatic feeding ecology to facilitate a unique visual system?
Tropical macroalgal cultivation for bioconversion to methane
Tsukamurella spongiae sp. nov., a novel actinomycete isolated from a deep-water marinesponge
Tubastrine, a new guanidinostyrene from the coral Tubastrea aurea
Tubercidin, A Cytotoxic Agent from the Marine Sponge Caulospongia biflabellata
Tubulin polymerizing activity of dictyostatin-1, a polyketide of marine sponge origin
Turbidity,suspended sediment concentrations, clay mineralogy of suspended sediments, and the origin of theturbid near-bottom water layer -- Louisiana shelf south of Timbalier Bay -- August 1972 - January 1974-- with comments on a process model for turbid
Turbine under the Gulf Stream (TUGS): overview of an energy source potential
Two cytotoxic 3, 6-epidoxy fatty acids from an Indonesian sponge, Plakortis sp.
Two distinct microbial communities revealed in the sponge Cinachyrella
Two medusaenew to the coast of California: Carybdea marsupialis (Linnaeus, 1758), a cubomedusa and Phyllorhizapunctata von Lendenfeld, 1884, a rhizostome scyphomedusa
Two new bioactive cyclic peroxides from the marine sponge Plakortis angulospiculatus
Two New Cytotoxic Linderazulenes from a Deep-Sea Gorgonian of the Genus Paramuricea
Two new mesopelagic appendicularians: Inopinata inflata gen, nov., sp. nov., Mesopelagicacaudaornata gen. nov., sp. nov.
Two new species of prayine siphonophore (Calycophorae, Prayidae) collected by the submersibles Johnson-Sea-Link I and II
Two new species of umagillid flatworms from the 20-rayed antarctic crinoid Promachocrinus kerguelensis
Two species of the chlorophyte genus Ostreobium from skeletons of Atlantic and Caribbean corals
Two steroidal alkaloids from a sponge, Corticium sp.
Typification of Sargassum Filipendula C. Agardh (Phaeophyceae, Fucales, Sargassaceae) and thenames of two varieties
