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Webb's historical, industrial and biographical Florida, Part I
Dr. Andrew Turnbull and the New Smyrna colony of Florida
Waukeenah's slave. A legend.
Trp zipper folding kinetics by molecular dynamics and temperature-jump spectroscopy
Understanding the key factors that control the rate of β-hairpin folding
An experimental survey of the transition between two-state and downhill protein folding scenarios
Evaluating β-turn mimics as β-sheet folding nucleators
Temporal requirements of insulin/IGF‐1 signaling for proteotoxicity protection
Infrared Study of the Stability and Folding Kinetics of a Series of β-Hairpin Peptides with a Common NPDG Turn
Aggregation Gatekeeper and Controlled Assembly of Trpzip β-Hairpins
Effects of Charged Cholesterol Derivatives on Aβ40 Amyloid Formation
Love Letter
Therapeutic strategies for tauopathies and drug repurposing as a potential approach
A Systematic Review of Family Caregivers of Persons with Serious Mental Illnesses in Non-Western Countries
Cambridge Introduction to Thinking Through the Body
Beauty Aesthetic Experience and the Powers of Possession
Somaesthetics, Photography, and Performance Art: A Philosopher in Darkness and in Light
The Relationship between Community Design and Crashes Involving Older Drivers and Pedestrians
Book Review: Bridges: Their engineering and planning
Engineering Livable Streets: A Thematic Review of Advancements in Urban Street Design
