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(84,601 - 84,620 of 87,729)


The Democrat's almanac, and political register, for 1839
The Tribune almanac and political register for 1861
The Tribune almanac and political register for 1860
The Great Western almanac for 1860.
The United States almanac for the year 1868 (4)
The United States almanac for the year 1868 (3)
The United States almanac for the year 1868 (5)
The United States almanac for the year 1868 (6)
The United States almanac for the year 1868 (2)
The United States almanac for the year 1866
The United States almanac for the year 1868 (1)
The United States almanac for the year 1868 (12)
The United States almanac for the year 1868 (13)
The United States almanac for the year 1868 (7)
The United States almanac for the year 1868 (9)
The United States almanac for the year 1868 (14)
The United States almanac for the year 1868 (8)
The United States almanac for the year 1868 (10)
The United States almanac for the year 1868 (11)
The United States almanac for the year 1868 (17)
