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- Title
- Hutchins improved, being an almanack and ephemeris of the motions of the sun and moon, the true places and aspects of the planets, the rising and setting of the sun, and the rising, setting and southing of the moon, for the year of our Lord 1814 : being the second after bissextile or leap-year, and 38th year of American independence.
- Creator
- Hutchins, John Nathan, 1700 or 1701-1782, calculator, Ming, Alexander, 1773?-1849, printer
- Abstract/Description
till 4th July, containing also the lunations, conjunctions, eclipses, judgment of the weather, rising and setting of the planets, length of days and nights, &c. &c. &c.-- together with useful tables, entertaining remarks, &c. &c. Includes verse. Cover title. Hutchins died in 1782, and the calculator of the present almanac was Abraham Shoemaker, the author of Ming's United States register and New York pocket almanac for 1813. The calendar pages are an expanded version of those in the pocket...
Show moretill 4th July, containing also the lunations, conjunctions, eclipses, judgment of the weather, rising and setting of the planets, length of days and nights, &c. &c. &c.-- together with useful tables, entertaining remarks, &c. &c. Includes verse. Cover title. Hutchins died in 1782, and the calculator of the present almanac was Abraham Shoemaker, the author of Ming's United States register and New York pocket almanac for 1813. The calendar pages are an expanded version of those in the pocket almanac, with the astronomical notes nearly all duplicated throughout, and without the tides column. The eclipse predictions (page [33]) also are identical with those in Ming's, omitting one line. Signatures: [A]⁴ B² C⁴ D² E⁴ F². "Anatomy of man's body as said to be governed by the twelve constellations" is the only illustration. "American naval victories", pages [25], [27]-[28], concerning accounts of American naval victories and statistics during the War of 1812. Includes: agricultural information; tables of roads from Albany to Niagara, New England towns, roads to Canada, and post towns on the east coast with their distances from each other as established by the postmaster general in 1814; coins of the United States. Lists of vessels.
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- Subject Headings
- Almanacs -- New York (State) -- 1814
- Format
- E-book
- Title
- The Connecticut almanack, for the year of our Lord 1779, and from the creation of the world, 5728 : being the third after bissextile, or leap year.
- Creator
- Strong, Nehemiah, 1729-1807, Watson, Hannah, 1749-1807. Goodwin, George, 1757-1844, printer.
- Abstract/Description
Wherein are contained lunations, eclipses of the luminaries, time of the sitting of courts in Connecticut and Massachusetts, and all other things necessary for a composition of this kind. Adapted to the horizon and meridian of Hartford, lat. 41 deg. 56 min. North: long. 72 deg. 54 min. to the westward of the Royal Observatory at Greenwich (according to the latest observations) but may serve indifferently for all the towns in Connecticut. Includes verse. Cover title. Attributed to Strong in:...
Show moreWherein are contained lunations, eclipses of the luminaries, time of the sitting of courts in Connecticut and Massachusetts, and all other things necessary for a composition of this kind. Adapted to the horizon and meridian of Hartford, lat. 41 deg. 56 min. North: long. 72 deg. 54 min. to the westward of the Royal Observatory at Greenwich (according to the latest observations) but may serve indifferently for all the towns in Connecticut. Includes verse. Cover title. Attributed to Strong in: Bates, A.C. "Checklist of Connecticut almanacs." Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, n.s. v. 24 (1914): 131. Signatures: [A]⁴ B⁴. Title printed within engraved ornamental border. Printer's advertisement for the purchase of rags, page [16]. Advertised in the Connecticut courant, Hartford, Nov. 17, 1778.
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- Subject Headings
- Almanacs, American -- Connecticut
- Format
- E-book
- Title
- Brief van Mr. Nicolaes Muys van Holy, advt. aan den heer Mr. Jacob de la Bassecour, pensionaris der stad Amsterdam.
- Creator
- Muys van Holy, Nicolaas 1645? 1717
- Abstract/Description
Brief van Mr. Nicolaes Muys van Holy, advt. aan den heer Mr. Jacob de la Bassecour, pensionaris der stad Amsterdam.
- Subject Headings
- La Bassecour, Jacob de, Netherlands -- History -- 1648-1714 -- Sources -- Early works to 1800, Netherlands -- Politics and government -- 1648-1714 -- Early works to 1800
- Format
- E-book
- Title
- Fisher & Brother's American farmer's almanac, for the year of our Lord 1861 : containing 365 days, and after the 4th of July, the 85th of American independence.
- Creator
- Fisher & Brother, publisher
- Abstract/Description
arranged after the system of the German calendars. Containing the rising, setting and eclipses of the sun and moon ; the phases, signs and southings of the moon ; the aspects of the planets, with the rising setting and southing of the most conspicuous planets and fixed stars ; the times of high water at Philadelphia ; the equation of time and other miscellanies, &c., with much valuable information for housekeepers. The calculations of this almanac are made to mean or clock time, except the...
Show morearranged after the system of the German calendars. Containing the rising, setting and eclipses of the sun and moon ; the phases, signs and southings of the moon ; the aspects of the planets, with the rising setting and southing of the most conspicuous planets and fixed stars ; the times of high water at Philadelphia ; the equation of time and other miscellanies, &c., with much valuable information for housekeepers. The calculations of this almanac are made to mean or clock time, except the rising and setting of the sun, which are for solar, or apparent time. Cover title: The American farmers almanac 1861. "Anatomy of man's body as said to be governed by the twelve constellations", page [3]. Contains descriptions of various remedies and some recipes. Published annually, by Fisher & Brother. Philadelphia, New York, Boston and Baltimore.
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- Subject Headings
- Almanacs, American
- Format
- E-book
- Title
- Daboll's New-England almanack, for the year 1775. Calculated for the meridian of New-London, in lat. 41 deg. 25 min. north, and 4 hours 45 min. west of the Royal Observatory at Greenwich.
- Creator
- Daboll, Nathan, 1750-1818, Shipley, Jonathan, 1714-1788
- Abstract/Description
Shipley, Jonathan, 1714-1788. Celebrated speech of the Rev. Dr. Jonathan Shipley...Advertised in the Connecticut gazette, New London, October 14, 1774. With a portrait of Jonathan Shipley (Reilly 1565) on the title page. "The celebrated speech of the Rev. Dr. Jonathan Shipley ... intended to have been spoken on the bill for altering the Charter of the province of the Massachusetts-Bay ..."--p. [3]-[6], [20]-27.
- Subject Headings
- Almanacs, American -- Connecticut
- Format
- E-book
- Title
- Public ledger almanac 1872.
- Creator
- Childs, George William, 1829-1894, Collins, P. G., printer
- Abstract/Description
Contains data about United States government, Pennsylvania government, Philadelphia city government, churches and synagogues, charitable institutions, as well as a chronology and recapitulation of the previous year's events in Philadelphia. Title and imprint from cover. "Westcott & Thomson, stereotypers and electrotypers"--Inside front cover. Collins, printer, Philada."--Inside front cover. Inside back cover contains a contents page. Front cover depicts a shield with the colors of the...
Show moreContains data about United States government, Pennsylvania government, Philadelphia city government, churches and synagogues, charitable institutions, as well as a chronology and recapitulation of the previous year's events in Philadelphia. Title and imprint from cover. "Westcott & Thomson, stereotypers and electrotypers"--Inside front cover. Collins, printer, Philada."--Inside front cover. Inside back cover contains a contents page. Front cover depicts a shield with the colors of the American flag, an eagle holding four arrows above it, and four American flags behind the eagle. Back cover depicts the Public Ledger Building on Chestnut Street, Philadelphia; pedestrians and horse-drawn carriages are included in the print. Presumably printed in 1871 for publication in 1872.
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- Subject Headings
- Almanacs, American -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia
- Format
- E-book
- Title
- The Great Western almanac for 1846.
- Creator
- Egelmann, Charles F. (Charles Frederick), Van Court, John, printer.
- Abstract/Description
Cover title. Illustrated cover. Astronomical calculations by C.F. Egelmann. "Anatomy of man's body as said to be governed by the twelve constellations", page 2. Includes several African American jokes and dialogues: "Whole nigger", page 21 ; "The following dialogue between a Negro and a son of the Emerald Isle", page 33 ; "A Negro who attempted to account for the failure of a balloon...", page 33. Two states of the second gathering noted. One state has an advertisement of Joseph McDowell on...
Show moreCover title. Illustrated cover. Astronomical calculations by C.F. Egelmann. "Anatomy of man's body as said to be governed by the twelve constellations", page 2. Includes several African American jokes and dialogues: "Whole nigger", page 21 ; "The following dialogue between a Negro and a son of the Emerald Isle", page 33 ; "A Negro who attempted to account for the failure of a balloon...", page 33. Two states of the second gathering noted. One state has an advertisement of Joseph McDowell on lower half of page [36]; the other, and advertisement of William D. Parrish.
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- Subject Headings
- Almanacs, American -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia
- Format
- E-book
- Title
- The Great Western almanac for 1859.
- Creator
- Egelmann, Charles F. (Charles Frederick), Van Court, John, printer.
- Abstract/Description
Cover title. Illustrated cover. "Original calculation, by Chas.F. Egelmann, Reading, Pa."--Page [3]. "Van Court, printer, 243 Arch Street."--Colophon, page [36]. "Anatomy of man's body as said to be governed by the twelve constellations", page [2]. "The fight in Congress-- One of 'Abe' Lincoln's illustrations": page 13. "How a colored preacher shirked the question": page 19. Advertisement for Joseph McDowell, stationer and bookseller, page [36].
- Subject Headings
- Almanacs, American -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia
- Format
- E-book
- Title
- The Comic almanac, for the year 1857.
- Creator
- King & Baird, printer
- Abstract/Description
Title illustration. Last ten pages contain advertisements by Philadelphia merchants, including a bookseller's advertisement by C.M. Saxton, advertisements for herring and scientific instruments, and patent medicines by Louden & Co. One advertisement is dated May 1st, 1856.
- Subject Headings
- Almanacs, American -- Pennsylvania
- Format
- E-book
- Title
- The Essex almanack, for the year of our Lord Christ, 1771 : being the third after bisextile, or leap-year : calculated for the meridian of Salem, in New-England, lat 42 D. 35 M. north.
- Creator
- Freeman, Philo., Hall, Samuel, 1740-1807.
- Abstract/Description
containing, an ephemeris, phenomena and observations in each month, Spring tides, judgment of the weather, feasts and fasts of the Church, Quakers meetings, courts in the four New-England governments, sun and moon's rising and setting, moon's place, a table shewing the time of night by the pointers, time of high water at Salem, publick roads with the best stages or houses to put up at, eclipses, &c. &c.-- Also, a great variety of useful, entertaining pieces, in prose and verse, select...
Show morecontaining, an ephemeris, phenomena and observations in each month, Spring tides, judgment of the weather, feasts and fasts of the Church, Quakers meetings, courts in the four New-England governments, sun and moon's rising and setting, moon's place, a table shewing the time of night by the pointers, time of high water at Salem, publick roads with the best stages or houses to put up at, eclipses, &c. &c.-- Also, a great variety of useful, entertaining pieces, in prose and verse, select sentences, useful Maxims & good cautions. Attributed to Samuel Hall by Evans. Hall is termed the editor and proprietor in Historical collections of the Essex Institute, v. 8 (1866), p. 159. Signatures: [A-B]⁴ C⁴. "Distances of the principal towns on the continent from Boston and Salem", pages [22]-[24]. Title and text printed within ruled border. Advertised in the Essex gazette, Salem, Nov. 13/20, 1770. The previous issue, for 1770, was entitled Philo's Essex almanack. The astronomical and weather predictions among the notes on the calendar pages correspond for the most part with those in Nathanael Low's An astronomical diary or Almanack for 1771 (Boston), suggesting that these pages are probably also the work of Nathanael Low, 1740-1808. though calculated for Salem rather than Boston.
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- Subject Headings
- Almanacs, American -- Massachusetts -- Salem
- Format
- E-book
- Title
- The North-American's almanack, and gentleman's and lady's diary, for the year of our Lord Christ, 1776 : Being bissextile, or leap year, and the 16th year of the reign of George the IIId. .
- Creator
- Stearns, Samuel, 1741-1809, Gordon, William, 1728-1807
- Abstract/Description
Calculated for the meridian of Boston in New-England, lat. 42. deg. 25 min. north. Containing ... receipt for the cure of the dysentery, ... directions for preserving the health of the soldiers in the camp, Sir Richard Rum’s advice to the soldiers ... with a cure for drunkenness, &c. &c....Cover title. Signatures: [A]⁴ B-C⁴. "An account of commencement of hostilities between Great-Britain and American, in the province of Massachusetts-Bay, by the Rev. Mr. William Gordon, of Roxbury, in a...
Show moreCalculated for the meridian of Boston in New-England, lat. 42. deg. 25 min. north. Containing ... receipt for the cure of the dysentery, ... directions for preserving the health of the soldiers in the camp, Sir Richard Rum’s advice to the soldiers ... with a cure for drunkenness, &c. &c....Cover title. Signatures: [A]⁴ B-C⁴. "An account of commencement of hostilities between Great-Britain and American, in the province of Massachusetts-Bay, by the Rev. Mr. William Gordon, of Roxbury, in a letter to a gentleman in England."--pages [5]-[16]. "Sir Richard Rum's advice to the soldiers and others" (on the cure of drunkenness): page [17]. "Directions for preserving the health of the soldier in the camps," and "A receipt for the cure of the dysentery or camp distemper": pages [18]-[19]. "Roads to the principal Towns on the Continent, &c. from Boston, with the names of those who keep houses of entertainment": page [21]-[24]. Advertisement for the ferry from New York to Philadelphia, at foot of page [24]. Parentheses substituted for square brackets in imprint transcription. Title within border of double rules; text printed within ruled border. Advertised in the Massachusetts spy, Worcester, Nov. 24, 1775.
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- Subject Headings
- Almanacs, American -- Massachusetts -- Boston -- 18th century
- Format
- E-book
- Title
- The Massachusetts family almanac, or The merchants & farmers calendar; : calculated on a new, useful, and improved plan, for the year of our Lord 1834; being the latter part of the fifty-eighth and the beginning of the fifty-ninth year of the independence of the United States of America.
- Creator
- Paine, Robert Treat, 1803-1885, Dickinson, Samuel N. (Samuel Nelson), 1801-1848, printer
- Abstract/Description
Calculated for the state of Massachusetts, but will answer for Connecticut, R. Island, N. Hampshire, Maine and Vermont. Containing a large number of useful and entertaining remarks and events. Cover title. Issued also as The Maine family almanac (with variant pages [31-32]) and as The Vermont family almanac. The astronomical portion of The American almanac was by Robert Treat Paine. At head of title: No. 3, vol. 1. Each month contains illustrations and notes on the seasons, with a table for a...
Show moreCalculated for the state of Massachusetts, but will answer for Connecticut, R. Island, N. Hampshire, Maine and Vermont. Containing a large number of useful and entertaining remarks and events. Cover title. Issued also as The Maine family almanac (with variant pages [31-32]) and as The Vermont family almanac. The astronomical portion of The American almanac was by Robert Treat Paine. At head of title: No. 3, vol. 1. Each month contains illustrations and notes on the seasons, with a table for a chronology of memorable historical events for that month. "Plan for a farm school", page [31]. "Post roads. Travellers' guide to the principal towns, with the distances", pages [33]-[36]. Advertisement for Allen & Co., stationer and publisher, page [36].
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- Subject Headings
- Almanacs, American -- Massachusetts
- Format
- E-book
- Title
- The Tribune almanac and political register for 1867.
- Creator
- Wright, Samuel Hart, 1825-, Childs, Benjamin F., 1814-1863, engraver
- Abstract/Description
Cover title. Page 4: "The astronomical calculations have been made in mean time, expressly for this almanac, by Samuel Hart Wright, M.D., A.M., of Penn Yan, Yates County, New York." "Price, 20 cents." Includes: Acts of Congress (at the first session of the thirty-ninth Congress, December 4, 1865-July 28, 1866), public resolutions, and proclamations, pages 27-35 ; The Civil Rights Bill "to protect all persons in the United States in their civil rights, and furnish the means of their...
Show moreCover title. Page 4: "The astronomical calculations have been made in mean time, expressly for this almanac, by Samuel Hart Wright, M.D., A.M., of Penn Yan, Yates County, New York." "Price, 20 cents." Includes: Acts of Congress (at the first session of the thirty-ninth Congress, December 4, 1865-July 28, 1866), public resolutions, and proclamations, pages 27-35 ; The Civil Rights Bill "to protect all persons in the United States in their civil rights, and furnish the means of their vindication," and the president's veto message March 27, 1866, pages 36-42 ; The Freedmen's Bureau Bill and the president's veto messages, pages 42-44 ; Address of the national Union Committee, pages 45-46 ; election returns for various elections 1860-1866 by state, county and congressional district., pages 49-71. In engraved and printed green wrapper, signed at foot of title: Childs sc. Advertisements pages 73-104 and back wrapper. Includes index.
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- Subject Headings
- Almanacs, American -- New York (State) -- New York
- Format
- E-book
- Title
- The Tribune almanac and political register for 1866.
- Creator
- Wright, Samuel Hart, 1825-, Childs, Benjamin F., 1814-1863, engraver
- Abstract/Description
Cover title. Page 5: "The astronomical calculations have been made in mean time, expressly for this almanac, by Samuel Hart Wright, M.D., A.M., of Dundee, Yates County, New York." "Price, 20 cents." Includes: Acts of Congress (at the second session of the thirty-eighth Congress, December 5, 1864-March 4, 1865) and proclamations, pages 29-37 ; Slaveholders' rebellion brief record of events, pages 38-42 ; The Union Party in 1865. resolutions ... on reconstruction and impartial suffrage, pages...
Show moreCover title. Page 5: "The astronomical calculations have been made in mean time, expressly for this almanac, by Samuel Hart Wright, M.D., A.M., of Dundee, Yates County, New York." "Price, 20 cents." Includes: Acts of Congress (at the second session of the thirty-eighth Congress, December 5, 1864-March 4, 1865) and proclamations, pages 29-37 ; Slaveholders' rebellion brief record of events, pages 38-42 ; The Union Party in 1865. resolutions ... on reconstruction and impartial suffrage, pages 43-46 ; Impartial suffrage, pages 46-48 ; President Lincoln's second inaugural address, page 49 ; President Johnson on the Negro question, pages 49-50 ; election returns for various elections 1860-1865 by state, county and congressional district, pages 53-72. In engraved and printed green wrapper, signed at foot of title: Childs sc. Advertisements pages 73-96 and back wrapper. Includes index.
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- Subject Headings
- Almanacs, American -- New York (State) -- New York
- Format
- E-book