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From monsoons to microbes: understanding the ocean's role in human health
Biosynthetic Studies of the Alkaloid, Stevensine, in a Cell Culture of the Marine Sponge Teichaxinella morchella
Sterols of the marine sponge Petrosia weinbergi: implications for the absolute configurations of the antiviral orthoesterols and weinbersterols
The bioprocess–technological potential of the sea
Secobatzellines A and B, two new enzyme inhibitors from a deep-water Caribbean sponge of the genus Batzella
Sponge cell culture
Bioactivity of marine organisms: relationships with taxonomy, geography and depth
Characterization and optimization of in vitro assay conditions for (1,3)β-glucan synthase activity from Aspergillus fumigatus and Candida albicans for enzyme inhibition screening
Common and scientific names of aquatic invertebrates from the United States and Canada: mollusks. 2nd ed.
In vitro production of marine-derived antitumor compounds
Preliminary cruise report: Submersible and scuba collections in the coastal waters of Honduras, the Bay Islands: Biomedical and biodiversity research of the benthic communities with emphasis on the porifera, algae and gorgonacea
Submersible and scuba collections in the coastal waters of the Bahama Islands and Florida's oculina coral banks: Biomedical and biodiversity research of the benthic communities with emphasis on porifera and gorgonacea
Isolation and characterization of niphatevirin, a human-immunodeficiency-virus-inhibitory glycoprotein from the marine sponge Niphates erecta.
Development of techniques for in vitro production of bioactive natural products from marine sponges
Biodiversity and distribution of deep and shallow watersponges in the Bahamas
Cytotoxic peptides from marine sponges
Diversity and bioactivity of marine sponges of the Caribbean: the Turks and Caicos Islands
A new deep sea coralline sponge from Turks and Caicos Islands: Willardi caicosensis gen. et sp. nov.(Demospongiae: Hadromerida)
Characterization of an interleukin 6 cytokinefamily antagonist protein from a marine sponge, Callyspongia sp.
Aplysillin A, a thrombin receptor antagonist from the marine sponge, Aplysina fistularis fulva
