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A new species of pikeblenny (Pisces: Chaenopsidae: Chaenopsis ) from the western Atlantic
A new species of pleurotomariid gastropod from the western Atlantic
A new species of poecilosclerid sponge (Porifera) from bathyal methane seeps in the Gulf ofMexico
A new species of seagrass, Halophila johnsonii, from the Atlantic coast of Florida
A new species of the marine amphipod genus Gammaropsis from the southeastern United States (Photidae)
A New Sterol Sulfate, Sch 572423, from a Marine Sponge, Topsentia sp.
A new subspecies of Holothuria lentiginosa Marenzeller from the western Atlantic Ocean (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea)
A nondisposable microplate for use with organic solvents
A note on the feeding, growth and reproduction of the epipelagic scyphomedusa Pelagia noctiluca (Forskål)
A note on the possibility of identifying Leydig and Sertoli cells byimmunohistochemistry in bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus)
A novel activity from an old compound: Manzamine A reduces the metastatic potential of AsPC-1 pancreatic cancer cells and sensitizes them to TRAIL-induced apoptosis
A novel case of non offspring adoption in a free ranging Atlantic Bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) inhabiting the Indian River Lagoon, Florida
A novel vertebrate eye using both refractive and reflective optics
A physical description of longperiodnet displacement variation within the southern Indian River Lagoon, Florida
A physicomimetics control framework for swarms of autonomous surface vehicles
A pneumatically operated slurp gun
A portable non-contaminating sampling system for iron and manganese in sediment pore water
A precision navigation system for autonomous undersea vehicles
A purpose-built ROV for submersible rescue
A rapid colorimetric microassay to detect agonists/antagonists of protein kinase C based on adherence of EL-4.IL-2 cells
