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Five new Discodermolide analogues from the marine sponge Discodermia species
Characterization of genetic markers for in vitro cell line identification of the marine sponge, Axinella corrugata
New Bioactive Peroxides from Marine Sponges of the Family Plakiniidae
Natural products from marine invertebrates: the Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution experience
A chemical view of the most ancient metazoa – biomarker chemotaxonomy of hexactinellid sponges
Theopederins K and L. Highly Potent Cytotoxic Metabolites from a Marine Sponge Discodermia Species
Tubercidin, A Cytotoxic Agent from the Marine Sponge Caulospongia biflabellata
Diversity and bathymetric distribution of lithistid sponges in the tropical western Atlantic region
Three new peroxides from the sponge Plakinastrella species
First record of the sponge genera Crambe and Discorhabdella for the eastern Pacific, with description of three new species
The oceans and human health: the discovery and development of marine-derived drugs
The discovery and characterization of an interleukin 6 cytokine familyantagonist protein from a marine sponge, Callyspongia sp.
Quantitative assessment of marine sponge cells in vitro: Development of improved growth medium
Sustainable use of deep-sea organisms collected for biomedical research
Development of sponge cell cultures for biomedical application
Eryloside F, a Novel Penasterol Disaccharide Possessing Potent Thrombin Receptor Antagonist Activity
Molecular techniques reveal wide phyletic diversity of heterotrophic microbes associated with Discodermia spp. (Porifera: Demospongiae)
Discorhabdin P, a new enzyme inhibitor from a deep-water Caribbean sponge of the genus Batzella
Marine natural products
The potential for the marine biotechnology industry
