(24,961 - 24,980 of 26,290)
Worldwide Spread of the Lesser Sneaking Ant, Cardiocondyla minutior (Hymenoptera: Formicidae).
Wetterer, James K.
Date Issued
Worldwide Spread of the Yellow-Footed Ant, Nylanderia flavipes (Hymenoptera: Formicidae).
Wetterer, James K.
Date Issued
Worship of the North.
Volck, Adalbert John, 1828-1912, Blada, V.
Date Issued
Subject Headings
Etchings --1860-1870, Book illustrations --1860-1870, Prints, American –19the century, United States --History –Civil War, 1861-1865 –Pictorial Works, Confederate States of America –History –Pictorial works, United States –History –Civil War, 1861-1865 –Art and the war, Caricatures and cartoons -- United States
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Worst Case Scenario.
Weinberg, Michelle (image), Duhamel, Denise (text)
Date Issued
Subject Headings
Broadsides --Florida --Miami
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Worth the price: Sarah as hero in John Updike's "S.".
Hilton, Bonita Clarice., Florida Atlantic University, Coyle, William
Sarah Price Worth is a hero in mythical and psychological terms. Her growth can be traced through her name changes within the novel: Sarah Price Worth/Kundalini/Rare Sarah. She leaves the Judeo-Christian belief system and enters an Eastern system in an ashram where yoga is practiced. Sarah's progress can be seen in terms of the stages of the heroic quest and archetypal imagery--in particular, the snake. The novel's action suggests a parallel between chakra ascension and psychological growth...
Show moreSarah Price Worth is a hero in mythical and psychological terms. Her growth can be traced through her name changes within the novel: Sarah Price Worth/Kundalini/Rare Sarah. She leaves the Judeo-Christian belief system and enters an Eastern system in an ashram where yoga is practiced. Sarah's progress can be seen in terms of the stages of the heroic quest and archetypal imagery--in particular, the snake. The novel's action suggests a parallel between chakra ascension and psychological growth in Jungian terms. Updike's "yes, but" tendency is at work in this novel: Yes, Sarah Price Worth is a bitch. But she is, nonetheless, a hero. As Sarah Price Worth and Kundalini, she has allowed men to be her gods, but Rare Sarah finds her own way. Through her earnest seeking, she succeeds in her quest.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Updike, John--Criticism and interpretation, Updike, John--S
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Would Lord Running Clam wear Wubfur slippers? The ethical imperative of empathy in the alternate ecologies of Philip K. Dick.
Aaronson, Russell S., Florida Atlantic University, Collins, Robert A., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, Department of English
Although critics have observed Philip K. Dick's references to empathy throughout his novels, short stories, and essays, no analysis has attempted to examine the role of empathy in his writings. In contrast to the element of ratiocination (or logical extrapolation) widely considered to be the hallmark of science fiction, Dick's fictions are held together by the value they primarily place not on reason, but on an empathic understanding of our actions and their effects upon the lives of other...
Show moreAlthough critics have observed Philip K. Dick's references to empathy throughout his novels, short stories, and essays, no analysis has attempted to examine the role of empathy in his writings. In contrast to the element of ratiocination (or logical extrapolation) widely considered to be the hallmark of science fiction, Dick's fictions are held together by the value they primarily place not on reason, but on an empathic understanding of our actions and their effects upon the lives of other entities. Using two early short stories ("Beyond Lies the Wub" and "Roog"), two non-Earth ecologies (Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep and Dr. Bloodmoney). I will demonstrate that Dick's works are united by an ethical imperative to understand the thoughts and emotions of others, human and nonhuman alike.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Dick, Philip K--Criticism and interpretation, Dick, Philip K--Ethics, Empathy in literature, Science fiction--History and criticism
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Would you believe--? : an introductory critique of the True believer [and] Eric Hoffer and Cold War ideology.
Breines, Paul, Wiley, Peter
This item is part of the Political & Rights Issues & Social Movements (PRISM) digital collection, a collaborative initiative between Florida Atlantic University and University of Central Florida in the Publication of Archival, Library & Museum Materials (PALMM).
Date Issued
Subject Headings
Hoffer, Eric. -- True believer.
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Hoffmaster, Diana Mighdoll, Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, Brooks, Clarence, Department of Theatre and Dance
The Dances We Dance Performance Showcase is a capstone experience for students enrolled in all levels of the Department of Theatre and Dance performance course offerings.
Date Issued
Subject Headings
Dance performance
Set of related objects
Writing across the curriculum: Implications for preservice teacher education.
Kamman, Carol, Florida Atlantic University, Childrey, John, Arnov, Boris
Potentially, the most important response to widespread criticism about the quality of writing and writing instruction is Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC). WAC can mean a total immersion in writing, horizontally in all departments and vertically at all grade levels. It can encompass current writing theory, but only if teachers understand such theory and can apply it. WAC theory must be incorporated into the entire process of professional preparation. WAC philosophy believes that (a) writing...
Show morePotentially, the most important response to widespread criticism about the quality of writing and writing instruction is Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC). WAC can mean a total immersion in writing, horizontally in all departments and vertically at all grade levels. It can encompass current writing theory, but only if teachers understand such theory and can apply it. WAC theory must be incorporated into the entire process of professional preparation. WAC philosophy believes that (a) writing can be learned and should be taught, (b) writing is a way to clarify thought, (c) writing is a way to learn, and (d) writing is a complex, individualized process. This understanding is required to teach in a successful WAC program. The literature offers little evidence that schools of education feel a responsibility to emphasize writing and writing instruction at the preservice level. Therefore, a study was initiated to survey the eight Florida schools of education that are members of the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) for the purpose of determining practices and perceptions regarding WAC. This descriptive research called for two survey questionnaires, which invited responses from 8 administrators and 250 secondary education students and tested 11 hypotheses. These hypotheses related to required courses for writing and writing instruction, student understanding of WAC theory, student perception of WAC status, level of student confidence to write and use writing, student willingness to become writing teachers, and student perception of the importance of writing. The remainder of the study recommends a required preservice course in WAC for all future teachers and suggests some components that course should contain.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Language arts--Correlation with content subjects, Teachers--Training of--Florida
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Writing in Borges's "Garden": The lively performances of John Barth and Maxine Hong Kingston.
Scala, Virginia M. D., Florida Atlantic University, Faraci, Mary
This thesis is a comparative study of John Barth's Lost in the Funhouse and Maxine Hong Kingston's The Woman Warrior, based on the imagery and theme of Borges's "forking paths." Both authors are indebted to Borges's work for providing the experimental narrative devices that made it possible for them to challenge their "ghosts." In Barth's case, he loses himself in the Funhouse, haunted by the "same old stories" (102); Kingston finds her voice in the Chinese stories and shocking images of the...
Show moreThis thesis is a comparative study of John Barth's Lost in the Funhouse and Maxine Hong Kingston's The Woman Warrior, based on the imagery and theme of Borges's "forking paths." Both authors are indebted to Borges's work for providing the experimental narrative devices that made it possible for them to challenge their "ghosts." In Barth's case, he loses himself in the Funhouse, haunted by the "same old stories" (102); Kingston finds her voice in the Chinese stories and shocking images of the past. The thesis will work toward a presentation of the dramatic performances and brilliant images in Barth's Lost in the Funhouse and in Kingston's The Woman Warrior. Readers become players who surrender their conventional notions about narrative in Borges's "Garden of the Forking Paths." Fortunately, the writing of Barth and Kingston continues to keep storytelling a lively art where time and memory are the main characters.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Barth, John--Lost in the funhouse, Kingston, Maxine Hong--Woman warrior, Borges, Jorge Luis,--1899-1986--Criticism and interpretation
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MCGEE, NANCY RASCO., Florida Atlantic University
The purpose of this study was to describe the ways in which secondary English, mathematics, science and social studies teachers utilize writing as an instructional methodology. Conclusions: 1. Although they consider writing important to success in their disciplines, high school teachers in the four major content areas do not frequently assign writing as an instructional activity. 2. Assigned writing is brief and consists primarily of exposition and reporting given fer the purpose of extending...
Show moreThe purpose of this study was to describe the ways in which secondary English, mathematics, science and social studies teachers utilize writing as an instructional methodology. Conclusions: 1. Although they consider writing important to success in their disciplines, high school teachers in the four major content areas do not frequently assign writing as an instructional activity. 2. Assigned writing is brief and consists primarily of exposition and reporting given fer the purpose of extending and/or expanding in-class activities. 3. Writing instruction is done through in-class supervision of the writing process, but outlining, revision/rewriting, and correcting errors are seldom used as teaching techniques. 4. Teachers are concerned with content more than form in commenting on student writing and in evaluating that writing. 5. The teaching of writing is seen primarily as the responsibility of the English teacher by both teachers and students. 6. Note-taking is the most widespread non-assigned writing task in the high school content areas as reported by both teachers and students. 7. High school students want to learn to write and associate their need for writing instruction with specific forms and improved communication.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Teaching--Aids and devices
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Writing nation(s): A trans-Atlantic analysis of academic writing instruction.
Cirillo-McCarthy, Erica., Florida Atlantic University, Galin, Jeffrey R.
Only recently have US scholars looked at the rest of the world to see how other countries deal with the writing classroom, mainly because many other countries did not have a writing program or academic writing classes. However, the formation of the European Union (EU), particularly in 1992, brought about specific political and educational integration between member countries. The formation of the EU has changed the composition of the classroom in most continental European countries. In the US...
Show moreOnly recently have US scholars looked at the rest of the world to see how other countries deal with the writing classroom, mainly because many other countries did not have a writing program or academic writing classes. However, the formation of the European Union (EU), particularly in 1992, brought about specific political and educational integration between member countries. The formation of the EU has changed the composition of the classroom in most continental European countries. In the US, the effects of globalization in our classroom will change composition studies. Bringing in perspectives from countries that are dealing with globalization in a different manner will further the focus and research in the field. Government intervention, language barriers, student involvement, and multi-disciplinary influences continue to shape composition studies. By examining these issues in both national and international context, we can anticipate the results of a cross-national pedagogical exchange.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Academic writing--Criticism and interpretation, English language--Cross-cultural studies, English language (Rhetoric)--Study and teaching
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Jones, Daniel Alexander, Hagood, Taylor, Florida Atlantic University, Department of English, Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters
An interdisciplinary study of the life and work of Jim Harrison. Through the lens of cultural and intellectual history, this dissertation places Harrison within the canon of American literature, from Emerson and Thoreau through Hemingway and Kerouac, and argues that the fundamental thread connecting these writers is their response to industrialization, suburbanization, and consumerism that undermine Americans’ connection to nature and limits an authentic experience with the world. In his...
Show moreAn interdisciplinary study of the life and work of Jim Harrison. Through the lens of cultural and intellectual history, this dissertation places Harrison within the canon of American literature, from Emerson and Thoreau through Hemingway and Kerouac, and argues that the fundamental thread connecting these writers is their response to industrialization, suburbanization, and consumerism that undermine Americans’ connection to nature and limits an authentic experience with the world. In his novels, novellas, and essays Jim Harrison explores the meaning of the well-lived life, reflecting on the importance of cultivating both a life of the hands and of the mind, of action and contemplation, of nature and literature.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Harrison, Jim, 1937-2016, Harrison, Jim, 1937-2016--Criticism and interpretation
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Writing the Emancipation Proclamation.
Volck, Adalbert John, 1828-1912, Blada, V.
Date Issued
Subject Headings
Etchings --1860-1870, Book illustrations --1860-1870, Prints, American –19the century, United States --History –Civil War, 1861-1865 –Pictorial Works, Confederate States of America –History –Pictorial works, United States –History –Civil War, 1861-1865 –Art and the war, Caricatures and cartoons -- United States
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Writing to Exist: Transformation and Translation into Exile.
Martin, Angela F., Erro-Peralta, Nora, Florida Atlantic University, Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, Department of Languages, Linguistics and Comparative Literature
Silenced for almost half a century, testimonies of those who lost the Spanish Civil War are now surfacing and being published. The origin of this dissertation was the chance discovery that Martín Herrera de Mendoza, a Spanish Civil War exile living in the United States, was truly a Catalonian anarchist named Antonio Vidal Arabí. This double identity was a cover for the political activist dedicated to the fight for change in the anarchist workers’ union CNT (National Confederation of Workers)...
Show moreSilenced for almost half a century, testimonies of those who lost the Spanish Civil War are now surfacing and being published. The origin of this dissertation was the chance discovery that Martín Herrera de Mendoza, a Spanish Civil War exile living in the United States, was truly a Catalonian anarchist named Antonio Vidal Arabí. This double identity was a cover for the political activist dedicated to the fight for change in the anarchist workers’ union CNT (National Confederation of Workers) and the FAI (Federation of Iberian Anarchists). He founded the FAI chapter in Santa Cruz de Tenerife and planned a failed assassination attempt on General Franco’s life in an effort to avoid the military takeover in 1936. This dissertation is the reconstruction of Antonio Vidal Arabí’s life narrative. It is based on the texts written during his seventeen-month stay as a refugee in Great Britain. Copies of his writings were left in a suitcase with a fellow anarchist who he instructed to have sent to his family upon his death. In 1989, “The English Suitcase” was delivered to his children in Barcelona. Based on his own account, this study follows his service as an intelligence agent for the Spanish Republic during the War. When it was over, he attempted to evacuate his family from France, to save them from the threat of the Nazi invasion and reunite with them in England or America. The analysis of the letters he wrote to his wife and children in France documents how he hid from Franco’s spies using his dual identity. In his letters, always signed as Martín Herrera de Mendoza, he invents a persona in order to help his family. The present study narrates his transformation into the persona he created and the events that brought about his translation into his “other.” Antonio Vidal Arabí’s bilinguism and biculturality is underlined as the main factors in his change into Martín Herrera de Mendoza. His was a voyage into exile documented by his own words; a story of survival and reinvention.
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http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004803, http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004803
Subject Headings
Herrera de Mendoza, Martín--Correspondence., Spain.--Ejército Popular de la República., Spain--History--República, 1931-1939., Spain--History--Civil War, 1936-1939--Personal narratives., Spain--History--Civil War, 1936-1939--Refugees--Great Britain--Personal narratives., Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Canary Islands : Province)--Personal narraatives., Anarchists--Spain--History--20th century., Exiles' writings, Spanish--20th century.
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Writing, elementary teachers, and English language learners: a case study of teacher reported pedagogical knowledge and collaborative inquiry in a title 1 school.
East, Jill A., Burnaford, Gail, Florida Atlantic University, College of Education, Department of Curriculum, Culture, and Educational Inquiry
This qualitative case study was conducted to investigated whether selected 3rd-5th teachers in a Title 1 school increased their understanding as they described and used their pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) in writing aligned with the Common Core Anchor Standards 1-6. It also examined how the teachers collaborated to advance their knowledge in the area of ELs in the classroom. Qualitative data were collected in the form of 15 participant interviews and 15 Learning Team Meeting (LTM)...
Show moreThis qualitative case study was conducted to investigated whether selected 3rd-5th teachers in a Title 1 school increased their understanding as they described and used their pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) in writing aligned with the Common Core Anchor Standards 1-6. It also examined how the teachers collaborated to advance their knowledge in the area of ELs in the classroom. Qualitative data were collected in the form of 15 participant interviews and 15 Learning Team Meeting (LTM) observations. The data from the interviews and observations were used to investigate how participants implemented the Common Core Anchor Standards (CCAS) 1-6 in their classrooms. The data also sought to examine how the participants’ collaboration in LTMs contributed to the selected 3rd-5th grade teachers’ PCK with respect to CCAS 1-6 and support for their English language learners (EL). The findings indicated that participants recognized various EL instructional strategies embedded in the subject matter of writing. Further, the data indicated that the dual language participants collaborated as an effective means for delivering various EL instructional strategies.
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Date Issued
http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004441, http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004441
Subject Headings
Early childhood education -- Philosophy, English language -- Composition and exercises -- Study and teaching (Elementary), English language -- Study and teaching as a second language, Inquiry based learning, Language arts (Elementary), Language experience approach in education, Pedagogical content knowledge, Second language acquisition
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Wus Geven Is Geven, Un Nitu.
Kammen, Joseph, Meyerowitz, David
FAU Libraries Print Music Collection dates from circa 1890-present and includes original manuscripts from renowned, non-living Jewish composers, handwritten music from American and European-born cantors, and rare—if not sole-surviving—scores from major American Jewish publishing houses no longer in existence. It also houses one of the nation’s largest collections of American Yiddish theater music, comprised of piano-vocal scores spanning the years 1890-1960. This digital collection contains...
Show moreFAU Libraries Print Music Collection dates from circa 1890-present and includes original manuscripts from renowned, non-living Jewish composers, handwritten music from American and European-born cantors, and rare—if not sole-surviving—scores from major American Jewish publishing houses no longer in existence. It also houses one of the nation’s largest collections of American Yiddish theater music, comprised of piano-vocal scores spanning the years 1890-1960. This digital collection contains select pieces from the FAU Libraries Print Music Collection.
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Subject Headings
Voice and Piano
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Wus Geven Is Geven, Un Nitu.
Kammen, Jack, Meyerowitz, David
FAU Libraries Print Music Collection dates from circa 1890-present and includes original manuscripts from renowned, non-living Jewish composers, handwritten music from American and European-born cantors, and rare—if not sole-surviving—scores from major American Jewish publishing houses no longer in existence. It also houses one of the nation’s largest collections of American Yiddish theater music, comprised of piano-vocal scores spanning the years 1890-1960. This digital collection contains...
Show moreFAU Libraries Print Music Collection dates from circa 1890-present and includes original manuscripts from renowned, non-living Jewish composers, handwritten music from American and European-born cantors, and rare—if not sole-surviving—scores from major American Jewish publishing houses no longer in existence. It also houses one of the nation’s largest collections of American Yiddish theater music, comprised of piano-vocal scores spanning the years 1890-1960. This digital collection contains select pieces from the FAU Libraries Print Music Collection.
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Subject Headings
Voice and Piano
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Wus Geven Is Geven, Un Nitu.
Meyerowitz, David
FAU Libraries Print Music Collection dates from circa 1890-present and includes original manuscripts from renowned, non-living Jewish composers, handwritten music from American and European-born cantors, and rare—if not sole-surviving—scores from major American Jewish publishing houses no longer in existence. It also houses one of the nation’s largest collections of American Yiddish theater music, comprised of piano-vocal scores spanning the years 1890-1960. This digital collection contains...
Show moreFAU Libraries Print Music Collection dates from circa 1890-present and includes original manuscripts from renowned, non-living Jewish composers, handwritten music from American and European-born cantors, and rare—if not sole-surviving—scores from major American Jewish publishing houses no longer in existence. It also houses one of the nation’s largest collections of American Yiddish theater music, comprised of piano-vocal scores spanning the years 1890-1960. This digital collection contains select pieces from the FAU Libraries Print Music Collection.
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Subject Headings
Voice and Piano
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Wyner–Ziv to Baseline H.264 Video Transcoder.
Corrales-García, Alberto, Martínez, Jose Luis, Fernández-Escribano, Gerardo, Villalon, Jose Miguel, Kalva, Hari, Cuenca, Pedro
Date Issued