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Women, film, and oceans a/part: the critical humor of Tracey Moffatt, Monica Pellizzari, and Clara Law.
Senzani, Alessandra., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, School of Communication and Multimedia Studies
The politicized use of humor in accented cinema is a tool for negotiating particular formations of identity, such as sexuality, gender, ethnicity, and class. The body of work produced by contemporary women filmmakers working in Australia, specifically Tracey Moffatt, Monica Pellizzari, and Clara Law, illustrates how these directors have employed critical humor as a response to their multiple marginalization as women, Australian, and accented filmmakers. In their works, humor functions as a...
Show moreThe politicized use of humor in accented cinema is a tool for negotiating particular formations of identity, such as sexuality, gender, ethnicity, and class. The body of work produced by contemporary women filmmakers working in Australia, specifically Tracey Moffatt, Monica Pellizzari, and Clara Law, illustrates how these directors have employed critical humor as a response to their multiple marginalization as women, Australian, and accented filmmakers. In their works, humor functions as a critical tool to deconstruct the contradictions in dominant discourses as they relate to (neo)colonial, racist, globalized, patriarchal, and displaced pasts and presents. Produced within Australian national cinema, but emerging from experiences of geographical displacements that defy territorial borders, their films illuminate how critical humor can inflect such accepted categories as the national constitution of a cinema, film genre, and questions of exile and diaspora. Critical humor thus consti tutes a cinematic signifying practice able, following Luigi Pirandello's description of umorismo, to decompose the filmic text, and as a tool for an ideological critique of cinema and its role in (re)producing discourses of the nation predicated on the dominant categories of whiteness and masculinity. The study offers a theoretical framework for decoding humor in a film text, focusing on the manipulation of cinematic language, and it provides a model for a criticism that wishes to heighten the counter-hegemonic potential of cinematic texts, by picking up on the humorous, contradictory openings of the text and widening them through a parallel dissociating process., Finally, critical humor in the accented cinema of women filmmakers like Moffatt, Pellizzari, and Law is shown to constitute a form of translation and negotiation performed between the national, monologic constraints of film production and cinematic language, the heteroglossia of the global imaginaries that have traveled since the beginning with film technology, and the local and diasporic accents informing a filmmaker's unique style and perspective.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Women motion picture producers and directors, Feminism and motion pictures, Criticism and interpretation, Local color in motion pictures, Intercultural communication in motion pictures
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Wonderful Florida.
The land of sunshine and flowers, luscious fruits, tropic splendors and a climate exquisitely delightful, the winters are generously warm. Florida may also be called the State of Lakes, having within its borders 30,000 lakes, the largest of which is Lake Okeechobee, 40 miles long and 25 miles wide, in the Everglades, which alone cover an area of 5,000 square miles. Blue skies are reflected in the beauty of farflung ocean and bay, through the witchery of cool moonlit nights, when the tropical...
Show moreThe land of sunshine and flowers, luscious fruits, tropic splendors and a climate exquisitely delightful, the winters are generously warm. Florida may also be called the State of Lakes, having within its borders 30,000 lakes, the largest of which is Lake Okeechobee, 40 miles long and 25 miles wide, in the Everglades, which alone cover an area of 5,000 square miles. Blue skies are reflected in the beauty of farflung ocean and bay, through the witchery of cool moonlit nights, when the tropical breeze whispers in the palm fronds.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Climate, Fauna, Fauna, Beachfront: Seaside and Coastal Destinations
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Wonderlijke droom, van een Amsterdammer, geparenteerd aan een Friesche-famille, en hebbende een neef wonen te Alkmaar, gedroomd op St. Nicolaas-nagt, a° 1781.
Against the relations between Amsterdam and the American rebels.
Subject Headings
Amsterdam (Netherlands) -- Politics and government -- Early works to 1800, Great Britain -- Foreign relations -- Netherlands -- Early works to 1800, Netherlands -- Foreign relations -- Great Britain -- Early works to 1800, Netherlands -- Foreign relations -- United States -- Early works to 1800, United States -- Foreign relations -- Netherlands -- Early works to 1800, Netherlands -- History -- 1714-1795 -- Sources -- Early works to 1800
Woodrow Wilson's fourteen points. The Atlantic Charter's eight points.
United States. President (1913-1921 : Wilson)
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Wool and water.
Frederick, Kira., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, Department of English
Wool and Water is a creative work of 36 poems. This collection examines the relationship between the silent and vocal, between the pastoral and urban. By reconfiguring and retelling the fairy tales and nursery rhymes, this collection seeks to challenge the status quo through trickster-like diction. Themes that are prevalent include: alienation, nourishment, anonymity, and the female body. From the concrete to the lyric, Wool and Water relies upon the process of questioning patriarchal guises....
Show moreWool and Water is a creative work of 36 poems. This collection examines the relationship between the silent and vocal, between the pastoral and urban. By reconfiguring and retelling the fairy tales and nursery rhymes, this collection seeks to challenge the status quo through trickster-like diction. Themes that are prevalent include: alienation, nourishment, anonymity, and the female body. From the concrete to the lyric, Wool and Water relies upon the process of questioning patriarchal guises. These poems intersect in order to rectify the past and make amends with the present. The female voices that drive these poems are multi-generational.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Symbolism in literature, Poetry, Feminist poetry, American
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Malcom, Suzy (Author), Brown, Scott (Printer)
Date Issued
Subject Headings
Broadsides, Letterpress, Art
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Words behind writing: A feminist approach to language and liberation in Erna Brodber's "Jane and Louisa Will Soon Come Home" and "Myal".
Edwards, Paula Yvonne., Florida Atlantic University, Lewis, Krishnakali
Ema Brodber combines sociological concerns with her creative imagination in two novels, Jane and Louisa Will Soon Come Home and Myal. Her stated aim is to provide people of the African diaspora with tools to face the world more confidently. She is particularly interested in the plight of women in postcolonial Caribbean countries whose lives are determined by imperialist and patriarchal discourses. The tools she provides are linguistic. By integrating Jamaican Creole and English Brodber enacts...
Show moreEma Brodber combines sociological concerns with her creative imagination in two novels, Jane and Louisa Will Soon Come Home and Myal. Her stated aim is to provide people of the African diaspora with tools to face the world more confidently. She is particularly interested in the plight of women in postcolonial Caribbean countries whose lives are determined by imperialist and patriarchal discourses. The tools she provides are linguistic. By integrating Jamaican Creole and English Brodber enacts her protagonists' struggles to find a language capable of expressing their reality and opposing colonizing fictions. The novels chart the transition from child to adult of two characters, Nellie and Ella. They grow up in Jamaica during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. This was a time when confusing class, color and gender ideologies, promulgated by written and oral traditions, inhibited healthy identity formation. Migration to America sufficiently distances them from Jamaica to allow for an interrogation of the conflicting messages about womanhood which Jamaican society promulgates. On returning home, they learn that the imperialist and patriarchal ideals that shape society can be challenged. In particular, they realize the power of words to effect change. Through a new critical awareness born of personal experience and a revisiting of history, they also learn that Jamaican culture can nurture as well as harm them.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Brodber, Erna--Criticism and interpretation., Brodber, Erna.--Jane and Lousia will soon come home., Brodber, Erna.--Myal.
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Carlin, Patricia, Treviño, Len J., Florida Atlantic University, Department of Management Programs, College of Business
Through this research, I provide quantitative evidence on the use of gender identity pronouns in business communication as it relates to sexual stigma theory and psychological safety theory in the workplace. This theoretically grounded, empirical investigation uncovers what impact, if any, psychological safety has on the use of gender identity pronouns in the workplace. My research measures the degree to which respondents feel psychologically safe enough to use their gender identity pronouns...
Show moreThrough this research, I provide quantitative evidence on the use of gender identity pronouns in business communication as it relates to sexual stigma theory and psychological safety theory in the workplace. This theoretically grounded, empirical investigation uncovers what impact, if any, psychological safety has on the use of gender identity pronouns in the workplace. My research measures the degree to which respondents feel psychologically safe enough to use their gender identity pronouns in a work context and which other factors (such as age cohort or the sociopolitical leanings of the company where they work) impact their decision to do so.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Business communication, Gender identity, Personnel management
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Work and wages in the Soviet Union.
Gudov, Ivan Ivanovich
Date Issued
Subject Headings
Labor and laboring classes --Soviet Union., URSS. Travail.
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Work ln Progress.
Robinson, Nick R., Bradley, William, Florida Atlantic University
Consistent with Vivian Gornick's "idea of self," Work In Progress is, in many ways, a classic coming-of-age story in which the boy, Nicky, along his life-journey, struggles to discover who he is. If Work In Progress is unusual, it is in the degree and the detail that it delves into its major themes, which I discuss below. Second, Work in Progress is unusual in the number of purposeful stylistic variations employed across the project's books. Nicky's story is told in seven books, each of which...
Show moreConsistent with Vivian Gornick's "idea of self," Work In Progress is, in many ways, a classic coming-of-age story in which the boy, Nicky, along his life-journey, struggles to discover who he is. If Work In Progress is unusual, it is in the degree and the detail that it delves into its major themes, which I discuss below. Second, Work in Progress is unusual in the number of purposeful stylistic variations employed across the project's books. Nicky's story is told in seven books, each of which is a standalone, personal essay. Through the books the reader is provided an episodic snapshot of Nicky's life. Each of the snapshots facilitate a particular view of Nicky, each is a jigsaw-puzzle-piece that, when snapped together with the other puzzle pieces, form a single, holistic image of the boy and his search for self I provide an overview of each of the seven books below. I am also endeavoring to write Work in Progress on three levels: The first level is the compelling, personal level that draws the reader to the individual, Nicky, and the group of supporting characters. The story has to be compelling enough to pull the reader through the various stylistic iterations of each of the different books. Second, through the exploration of the major themes of institutionalization, abuse, religion, and racism (including the offshoots: race-based self-hatred and the discrimination within races that Alice Walker cans colorism), I attempt to raise the story up to another level, a level of universal applicability. Specifically, I want the everyday reader, the reader who has not suffered these circumstances to know them through the reading experience, and, consequently, to relate to and with Nicky. Toward this end, I use every narrative tool and technique at my disposal including utilizing reflection in the form of stream of consciousness and dreams, for example, to put the reader into the experience instead of telling the reader what the protagonist is thinking. I also maximize the use of scene, imagery, metaphor, and dialogue, to show the reader, and to allow the reader to come to their own conclusions.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Symbolism in literature, Self in literature
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Work of art.
Florida Atlantic University
FAU Boca Campus 1980s
Subject Headings
Florida Atlantic University -- History, Florida Atlantic University -- Students
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The work-life views of the nurse manager during transition from primary care to patient-focused care.
Dittman, Patricia Welch, Florida Atlantic University, Ray, Marilyn A.
The purpose of this descriptive study was to investigate the work life of the nurse manager during the transition from primary care to patient-focused care. The sample population includes nurse managers who were in administrative roles at the time of transition from primary care to patient-focused care delivery model. Exploratory descriptive data were collected by an open-interview, semi-structured format utilizing focused questions with three nurse managers who participated in the study. The...
Show moreThe purpose of this descriptive study was to investigate the work life of the nurse manager during the transition from primary care to patient-focused care. The sample population includes nurse managers who were in administrative roles at the time of transition from primary care to patient-focused care delivery model. Exploratory descriptive data were collected by an open-interview, semi-structured format utilizing focused questions with three nurse managers who participated in the study. The study adds significantly to the current debate on caring, nursing, nursing administration, patient-focused care, and nursing care delivery systems.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Nurse administrators, Caring, Nurse and patient
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Workers do not surrender.
Date Issued
Subject Headings
Socialism –Poland., Poland -- History –1945-1820., Poland –Economics conditions – 1945-1981.
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Workers in the Security Department, circa 1970.
Date Issued
Subject Headings
Florida Atlantic University -- History, Florida Atlantic University -- Students
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Workers' education, un-American, atheistic and red.
Muste, Abraham John,
Date Issued
Subject Headings
Working class --Education.
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Working class against capitalist class is the main election issue of the Communist Party : Election platform, Communist Party U.S.A.
Communist Party of the United States of America
Date Issued
Subject Headings
Working class --United States., Capitalism., Campaign literature, 1930 --Communist.
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Working class unity or fascism?.
Amter, I. b.
Date Issued
Subject Headings
Labor and laboring classes --United States.
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Working class unity-bulwark against fascism.
Dimitrov, Georgi
Date Issued
Subject Headings
Fascism., Communism --History.
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Working in the Biz: Material and Identity Processes of Bartending.
Frazer, Jacqueline M.E., Hough, Phillip A., Florida Atlantic University, Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, Department of Sociology
Bartending makes for an interesting case study in that it brings together research on emotional labor and tipped front-line service jobs, as well as the contemporary increase in precarity in work and precarity in life. This project explores the material and identity processes of bartending, examining how a precarious job with high expectations of emotional labor in-turn affects the occupational and personal identities of those employed in the industry. Overall three overarching themes were...
Show moreBartending makes for an interesting case study in that it brings together research on emotional labor and tipped front-line service jobs, as well as the contemporary increase in precarity in work and precarity in life. This project explores the material and identity processes of bartending, examining how a precarious job with high expectations of emotional labor in-turn affects the occupational and personal identities of those employed in the industry. Overall three overarching themes were identified: (1) When wages are outsourced to customers via tipping systems workers are exposed to particularly high emotional demands, rendering bartending a unique form of quid pro quo emotional labor. (2) Bartenders exist in a “default career” mode of employment that is stigmatized for being low-status low-skilled labor. (3) Performing emotional labor and managing stigma creates a divergence between bartender’s personal and occupational identities resulting in constant identity work on and off the job.
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Date Issued
http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004876, http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004876
Subject Headings
Bartending--Psychological aspects., Bars (Drinking establishments)--Management., Alcoholic beverage industry--Social aspects., Identity (Psychology), Quality of work life., Work environment--Social aspects.
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