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Scholar's name
Glenn Singer
School of Communication and Multimedia Studies
Institutional Scholar
Vocal health and rehabilitation for the singer.
Dorchin, Susan R., Florida Atlantic University, Fleitas, Patricia P.
Vocal production depends upon the coordinated efforts of the mind and body. Disruption of this balance leads to various vocal disorders. The ability to recognize dysphonias and a thorough knowledge of laryngeal and facial anatomy, the mind/body connection, skeletal structure, and medical and homeopathic remedies are essential to the voice teacher. Based upon scientific and empirical knowledge, therapies are suggested for use in the voice studio to establish a healthy vocal technique, treat...
Show moreVocal production depends upon the coordinated efforts of the mind and body. Disruption of this balance leads to various vocal disorders. The ability to recognize dysphonias and a thorough knowledge of laryngeal and facial anatomy, the mind/body connection, skeletal structure, and medical and homeopathic remedies are essential to the voice teacher. Based upon scientific and empirical knowledge, therapies are suggested for use in the voice studio to establish a healthy vocal technique, treat various voice problems and promote vocal health.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Voice disorders--Treatment, Voice--Care and hygiene, Voice culture, Vocal cords
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Dr. Creech and Rabbi Merle E. Singer, benediction.
Florida Atlantic University
Rabbi Merle E. Singer (right), during the benediction, offers a special blessing for Dr. Glenwood L. Creech, who will be retiring from the FAU presidency July 31. 1983 Florida Atlantic University commencement ceremony. Boca Raton campus.
Date Issued
Subject Headings
Florida Atlantic University -- History, Florida Atlantic University -- Students, Florida Atlantic University -- Photographs, Florida Atlantic University -- Archives, Florida Atlantic University -- Commencement
Image (JPEG2000)
TURBEVILLE, WILLIAM JACKSON., Florida Atlantic University, Coyle, William
An analysis of Isaac Bashevis Singer's writing will show a strong vein of mystical thought. While deeply indebted to the traditions of Jewish mysticism, Singer goes beyond the traditional in his search for mystical insight. The passionate sensuality, the use of the supernatural, and the pantheistic qualities all speak of a non-conforming individual. From the worldly naive but spiritually wise simpleton of "Gimpel the Fool" to the tormented Job-like seeker of The Slave, Singer's mysticism both...
Show moreAn analysis of Isaac Bashevis Singer's writing will show a strong vein of mystical thought. While deeply indebted to the traditions of Jewish mysticism, Singer goes beyond the traditional in his search for mystical insight. The passionate sensuality, the use of the supernatural, and the pantheistic qualities all speak of a non-conforming individual. From the worldly naive but spiritually wise simpleton of "Gimpel the Fool" to the tormented Job-like seeker of The Slave, Singer's mysticism both takes from traditional religion and explores new ground. Some critics have seen I.B. Singer as a rash of contradictions, but these seeming contradictions all fit into the elements of his mysticism.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Singer, Isaac Bashevis,--1904---Criticism and interpretation
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Main Zeiden's Cholem.
Singer, A.
FAU Libraries Print Music Collection dates from circa 1890-present and includes original manuscripts from renowned, non-living Jewish composers, handwritten music from American and European-born cantors, and rare—if not sole-surviving—scores from major American Jewish publishing houses no longer in existence. It also houses one of the nation’s largest collections of American Yiddish theater music, comprised of piano-vocal scores spanning the years 1890-1960. This digital collection contains...
Show moreFAU Libraries Print Music Collection dates from circa 1890-present and includes original manuscripts from renowned, non-living Jewish composers, handwritten music from American and European-born cantors, and rare—if not sole-surviving—scores from major American Jewish publishing houses no longer in existence. It also houses one of the nation’s largest collections of American Yiddish theater music, comprised of piano-vocal scores spanning the years 1890-1960. This digital collection contains select pieces from the FAU Libraries Print Music Collection.
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Subject Headings
Voice and piano
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"Our fellows in mortality": kindness to animals in Thomas Hardy's Jude the Obscure.
Brockway, Jessica L., Harriet L. Wilkes Honors College
In Jude the Obscure, Thomas Hardy depicts characters who are especially sensitive to the suffering of all living creatures and thus engages his novel in the topic of animal rights. In this project I examine the human-animal relationships in Hardy's novel in terms of the ideas of two different philosophers: Peter Singer and Cora Diamond. I argue that, while Singer at first seems to provide a useful model for understanding these relationships in Jude, Diamond's account of these relationships is...
Show moreIn Jude the Obscure, Thomas Hardy depicts characters who are especially sensitive to the suffering of all living creatures and thus engages his novel in the topic of animal rights. In this project I examine the human-animal relationships in Hardy's novel in terms of the ideas of two different philosophers: Peter Singer and Cora Diamond. I argue that, while Singer at first seems to provide a useful model for understanding these relationships in Jude, Diamond's account of these relationships is ultimately a more helpful tool for understanding Hardy's ideas about animals. Diamond helps us see that Hardy believes people should help all living creatures in pain, no matter the cost to themselves, not because they recognize their suffering, but because they recognize a shared commonality with all sentient creatures.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Criticism and interpretation, Criticism and interpretation, Criticism and interpretation, Animal rights (Philosophy), Human-animal relationships in literature, Symbolism in literature, Animals and civilization
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SINGER, KARLA, Florida Atlantic University
The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is a significant difference between the reported self-concepts of children living in one-parent homes and children living in two-parent homes. In addition, the variables of sex and grade level were investigated to determine whether there is a significant difference between the reported self-concepts of males and females in grades one and three. Based on the population studied, the findings of an analysis of variance, a multivariate...
Show moreThe purpose of this study was to determine whether there is a significant difference between the reported self-concepts of children living in one-parent homes and children living in two-parent homes. In addition, the variables of sex and grade level were investigated to determine whether there is a significant difference between the reported self-concepts of males and females in grades one and three. Based on the population studied, the findings of an analysis of variance, a multivariate analysis of variance, and the Fisher t-test all indicated and supported that there is a statistically significant difference, at the .05 level, between the reported self-concepts of children living in one-parent and two-parent homes. Children from two-parent homes had a considerably higher mean, 44.6, as compared to a 39.1 mean for children from one-parent homes. The findings indicated that there is a statistically significant difference between the reported self-concepts of male and female students in the primary grades. Females had a mean of 44.4 as compared to a 39.3 mean for males. There was no statistically significant difference between first and third graders with means of 42.0 and 41.7 respectively. Implications of these conclusions pertain specifically to the sample included in this study; limitations imposed by definition and by selection should be observed before making broad application of the findings to populations which are not closely similar in design.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Self-perception in children, Academic achievement
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Perceived Swallowing Disorders in Healthy Aging Individuals: Impact on Quality of Life.
Singer, Clare, Keintz, Connie, Danesh, Ali, Graduate College, Engstrom, Gabriella, Ouslander, Joseph, Tappen, Ruth M.
With large numbers of Americans over 65 years of age, millions of elderly individuals could be at risk for swallowing disorders or dysphagia. These disorders can greatly affect a person’s quality of life and health. While the aging process in a healthy individual does not necessarily lead to impaired swallowing, aging can lead to changes in the swallowing process, known as presbyphagia (Robbins, et al., 1992). Further data is needed regarding prevalence, effects of lifestyle, and relationship...
Show moreWith large numbers of Americans over 65 years of age, millions of elderly individuals could be at risk for swallowing disorders or dysphagia. These disorders can greatly affect a person’s quality of life and health. While the aging process in a healthy individual does not necessarily lead to impaired swallowing, aging can lead to changes in the swallowing process, known as presbyphagia (Robbins, et al., 1992). Further data is needed regarding prevalence, effects of lifestyle, and relationship with fatigue and swallowing abilities in healthy aging individuals. The purpose of this study was to: investigate the prevalence of self-reported swallowing difficulties in a healthy aging population; determine if age, ethnicity, or gender impact whether healthy aging individuals perceive swallowing problems; and, if individuals reporting swallowing difficulties experience avoidance of social situations or if fatigue relates as a factor in presbyphagia. A significantly greater proportion of Hispanic Americans indicated swallowing difficulties than expected by chance, 18.8% "No" vs. 40.5% "Yes" (p = .0035). Further analysis indicated those who self-reported swallowing difficulties were less socially engaged (t = 1.75, p = .048) and, for people who self-reported swallowing difficulties a significant correlation between reduced social aspects of life and increased level of fatigue (r = -.473, p = .003).Previous studies have reported mealtime anxiety and avoidance of eating with other people in elderly individuals (Ekberg, 2002). Overall, the negative social impact from presbyphagia can seriously affect an individual’s quality of life, however, early identification of swallowing difficulties and remediation may be beneficial.
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Anti-Victorian attitudes in Thomas Hardy's "Jude the Obscure".
Magrath-Singer, Jennifer Lara., Florida Atlantic University, Buckton, Oliver
Published in 1895, Jude the Obscure was Thomas Hardy's last novel. With the approach of the turn-of-the-century, Victorian England experienced profound changes in its social structure. The writing of novels about oppressed women was popular in the late nineteenth century. As the narrative voice in Jude, Thomas Hardy sought to challenge the current conditions for women and men in society. His novel explores the reality of these conditions, and his characters, namely Sue Bridehead and Jude...
Show morePublished in 1895, Jude the Obscure was Thomas Hardy's last novel. With the approach of the turn-of-the-century, Victorian England experienced profound changes in its social structure. The writing of novels about oppressed women was popular in the late nineteenth century. As the narrative voice in Jude, Thomas Hardy sought to challenge the current conditions for women and men in society. His novel explores the reality of these conditions, and his characters, namely Sue Bridehead and Jude Fawley, show readers what can happen when people are unable to adapt to the laws and conventions set forth by society.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Hardy, Thomas,--1840-1928--Jude the obscure, Hardy, Thomas,--1840-1928--Characters--Women, Sex role in literature
Document (PDF)
BRADSHAW, WILSON G., Florida Atlantic University, Singer, Jay J.
Fourteen 75-day-old female rats of the Long-Evans strain were ovariectomized and divided into two groups of seven. Group I received daily injections of 2mg testosterone propionate (TP) and was tested for male sexual behavior. Group II, in addition to daily injections of TP, also received injections of 1mg progesterone on five of the ten test days. This group was tested for female sexual behavior. TP was found to exert a facilitory effect on both male and female sexual behavior. Female sexual...
Show moreFourteen 75-day-old female rats of the Long-Evans strain were ovariectomized and divided into two groups of seven. Group I received daily injections of 2mg testosterone propionate (TP) and was tested for male sexual behavior. Group II, in addition to daily injections of TP, also received injections of 1mg progesterone on five of the ten test days. This group was tested for female sexual behavior. TP was found to exert a facilitory effect on both male and female sexual behavior. Female sexual behavior was enhanced further when progesterone was administered 4 to 6 hours prior to testing. Progesterone, when injected alone, was found to induce lordosis. It was concluded that TP was first being converted to estrogen and it was the estrogen which was responsible for the increase in female sexual behavior. The fact that progesterone, which enhances estrogen-induced lordosis, also enhances testosterone-induced lordosis supports this position.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Sexual behavior in animals, Testosterone, Hormones, Sex
Document (PDF)
Drug Elicitation of the Aggressive Display in Siamese Fighting Fish, Betta splendens.
Smith, Elaine A., Singer, Jav J., Florida Atlantic University
Experiment I tests the hypothesis that sympathomimetic amines serve to facilitate or trigger the aggressive display of the Siamese fighting fish. Three drugs were used to test this theory: amphetamine, norepinephrine and Dibenzyline. Amphetamine was administered to a group of six females while norepinephrine and Dibenzyline were given to males. Fish were all maintained in the laboratory for one week before any testing began. Each of the three parts of Experiment I was conducted in the same...
Show moreExperiment I tests the hypothesis that sympathomimetic amines serve to facilitate or trigger the aggressive display of the Siamese fighting fish. Three drugs were used to test this theory: amphetamine, norepinephrine and Dibenzyline. Amphetamine was administered to a group of six females while norepinephrine and Dibenzyline were given to males. Fish were all maintained in the laboratory for one week before any testing began. Each of the three parts of Experiment I was conducted in the same way. The Bettas were tested first with no drugs in their water to determine their baseline level of activity. Two to four days later, the fish were tested with either 40 mg of amphetamine, 70 mg of norepinephrine or 4.5 mg of Dibenzyline. Another control trial was run two to four days later and then another experimental trial after the same period of time. Results indicated that amphetamine increased fin flaring frequency and duration in female Bettas. The norepinephrine had the effect of increasing gill plate extension frequency and duration. Also the norepinephrine increased time to habituation. Dibenzyline was shown to influence fin flaring frequency and duration. A strong adrenergic blocking agent, Dibenzyline greatly decreased the aggressive display activities but did not significantly alter general activity. The measure of general activity used was latency to feeding. All fish were deprived of food for four days and considered to be hungry. In Experiment II, 16 female Bettas, eight experimental and eight control, received a 25-day treatment with either methyl testosterone dissolved in alcohol or plain alcohol. All fish were tested before any treatment was given and assigned to groups on the basis of the behavioral measure of fin flaring so as to match the experimental and control groups as closely as possible. The experimental fish then were given .2 cc of methyl testosterone (1mg/cc) and the controls were given .2 cc of alcohol. The treatment in all studies was added to the water of the living tank. After 25 days, all Ss were retested to determine what, if any, effects the testosterone had on the display activities being measured. The hypothesis that testosterone would cause an increase in growth rate and colorfulness was not supported by the data. There were, however, significant increases in fin flare frequency and duration and in the average length of a fin flaring response. There was some tendency toward an increase in gill plate extensions as well, but this was not large enough to gain statistical significance.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Siamese fighting fish--Behavior, Aggressive behavior in animals, Siamese fighting fish--Physiology
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Logistics and Costs Correspondence, 1962.
Date Issued
Subject Headings
Florida Atlantic University-- History, Florida Atlantic University-- Planning, Florida Atlantic University-- Records and correspondence
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KAPLAN, PETER L., Florida Atlantic University, Singer, Jay J., Charles E. Schmidt College of Science, Department of Psychology
Twenty-six 75-day-old, ovariectomized Long-Evans female rats were randomly divided into two groups of ten and one group of six animals. The ten Group I Ss received, in consecutive treatment periods, 2 mg progesterone (P-2) daily, 2 mg testosterone propiorate (TP-2) daily, TP-2 daily plus P-2 every fourth day, and P-2 every fourth day. The ten Group II Ss received, in consecutive treatment periods, P-2 every fourth day, and 4 mg dihydrotestosterone (DHT-4) daily plus P-2 every fourth day. Both...
Show moreTwenty-six 75-day-old, ovariectomized Long-Evans female rats were randomly divided into two groups of ten and one group of six animals. The ten Group I Ss received, in consecutive treatment periods, 2 mg progesterone (P-2) daily, 2 mg testosterone propiorate (TP-2) daily, TP-2 daily plus P-2 every fourth day, and P-2 every fourth day. The ten Group II Ss received, in consecutive treatment periods, P-2 every fourth day, and 4 mg dihydrotestosterone (DHT-4) daily plus P-2 every fourth day. Both Groups I and II were tested for female sexual behavior. A significant increase in the lordosis response was observed only in Group I Ss after receiving TP-2 plus P-2 every fourth day. Group III Ss were tested for male sexual behavior after receiving DHT-4 daily. Male sexual behavior increased significantly after DHT-4 treatments. It was concluded that progesterone exerts a facilitatory effect on female sexual behavior only when the Ss have been previously primed with an aromatizable androgen and that dihydrotestosterone is capable of inducing male sexual behavior in female rats.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Sexual behavior in animals, Hormones, Sex
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Dr. Creech on Stage with FAU Professor.
Florida Atlantic University
Rabbi Merle E. Singer (right), during the benediction, offers a special blessing for Dr. Glenwood L. Creech, who will be retiring from the FAU presidency July 31. 1983 Florida Atlantic University commencement ceremony. Boca Raton campus.
Date Issued
Subject Headings
Florida Atlantic University -- History, Florida Atlantic University -- Students, Florida Atlantic University -- Photographs, Florida Atlantic University -- Archives, Florida Atlantic University -- Commencement
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Welcome FAU! Meet FAU Faculty and Adminstrators.
Florida Atlantic University
A photo copy of a newspaper centerfold announcing 22 new professors or administrators to the FAU family. The only woman is Adelaide R. Snyder (1964-1992) was the first female administrator in the Florida public university system. Includes photographs and position titles: Adelaide R. Snyder; S. Leonard Singer; Hal Riehle; Palmer Craig; G. Ballard Simmons; Manley Boxx; Raymond Pepinsky; Samuel F. Clark; Edward M. Heiliger; Henry A. Schubert; Herbert Evans; Carlos M. Vilar Alvarez; James K....
Show moreA photo copy of a newspaper centerfold announcing 22 new professors or administrators to the FAU family. The only woman is Adelaide R. Snyder (1964-1992) was the first female administrator in the Florida public university system. Includes photographs and position titles: Adelaide R. Snyder; S. Leonard Singer; Hal Riehle; Palmer Craig; G. Ballard Simmons; Manley Boxx; Raymond Pepinsky; Samuel F. Clark; Edward M. Heiliger; Henry A. Schubert; Herbert Evans; Carlos M. Vilar Alvarez; James K. Petersen; Dorothy Laird; Martin W. Schoppmeyer; Jack C. Guistwhite; William Stosberg; Wallace H. Orgell; Murray Sanders; Fred Simmons; R. M. Koser, Jr.; Philip Borden
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Date Issued
1965 - 1970
Subject Headings
Florida Atlantic University -- History, Florida Atlantic University -- Photographs, Florida Atlantic University -- Archives
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Effects of mid-incubation egg movement on loggerhead (Caretta caretta) turtle hatch success and embryo development.
Ahles, Natasha M., Charles E. Schmidt College of Science, Department of Biological Sciences
Due to an emergency status dune restoration project following Subtropical Storm Andrea in 2007 on Singer Island, Florida, nests needed to be moved during early to mid-incubation. Nesting success was compared between those moved mid-incubation, moved within 12h to either a native sand incubation area or a renourished sand incubation area, and those left in-situ. Nests moved within 12h to the native sand had a significantly larger proportion of pipped hatchlings. Nests moved mid-incubation had...
Show moreDue to an emergency status dune restoration project following Subtropical Storm Andrea in 2007 on Singer Island, Florida, nests needed to be moved during early to mid-incubation. Nesting success was compared between those moved mid-incubation, moved within 12h to either a native sand incubation area or a renourished sand incubation area, and those left in-situ. Nests moved within 12h to the native sand had a significantly larger proportion of pipped hatchlings. Nests moved mid-incubation had a significantly lower proportion of hatched eggs as well as emergent hatchlings. The stage in which embryonic development was arrested corresponded to the stage the embryos were in during the time of movement; indicating movement was the cause of death. When comparing nests moved within the initial 2.5 weeks of development to those moved after 2.5 weeks of development, there was no significant difference in hatching success.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Sea turtles, Embryology, Wildlife conservation
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Ziadi, Paula, Anderson, Rindy, Florida Atlantic University, Charles E. Schmidt College of Science, Department of Biological Sciences
Vocal communication is central to the coordination of social behavior in many vertebrate species, and it has been particularly well studied in songbirds, which use their songs in different contexts to convey information about the singer or its environment (Catchpole and Slater 2008; Alger et al. 2016). While it is widely accepted that the songs of oscine passerine birds (the songbirds) have two main social functions: intrasexual competition, and courtship (Catchpole and Slater 2008), the...
Show moreVocal communication is central to the coordination of social behavior in many vertebrate species, and it has been particularly well studied in songbirds, which use their songs in different contexts to convey information about the singer or its environment (Catchpole and Slater 2008; Alger et al. 2016). While it is widely accepted that the songs of oscine passerine birds (the songbirds) have two main social functions: intrasexual competition, and courtship (Catchpole and Slater 2008), the evolution of large and complex song repertoires remains an evolutionary puzzle (Byers and Kroodsma 2009). The question is: why do some songbird species produce an elaborate vocal repertoire, while other species carry out courtship and competition with a far smaller and simpler repertoire? In this thesis I examine the adaptive value (social function) of song in malemale competition with an eye toward understanding how intrasexual selection may have driven the elaboration of the male Bachman’s sparrow (Peucea aestivalis) vocal repertoire.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Bachman's sparrow, Songbirds--Behavior, Songbirds--Vocalization, Birds--Sexual behavior
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Interview with Rene Henry Gracida.
Gracida, Rene Henry, Makosiej, Michael
Bishop Gracida is a former Benedictine Monk. After serving in the Army Air Corps. 303d "Hell's Angels" Bombardment Group as a gunner pilot during WWII, Bishop Gracida trained as an architect. During the war, Bishop Gracida was one of the pilots that flew over and fire bombed Dresden. Following his time in the Army, he had a conversion experience and entered a St Vincent Benedictine monastery. Thanks to his training as an architect, he assisted in the building of the church for the monastery,...
Show moreBishop Gracida is a former Benedictine Monk. After serving in the Army Air Corps. 303d "Hell's Angels" Bombardment Group as a gunner pilot during WWII, Bishop Gracida trained as an architect. During the war, Bishop Gracida was one of the pilots that flew over and fire bombed Dresden. Following his time in the Army, he had a conversion experience and entered a St Vincent Benedictine monastery. Thanks to his training as an architect, he assisted in the building of the church for the monastery, and later, ran into troubles with his Archabbot over building issues with a dormitory. This soured his relationship with the Archabbot, leading him to becoming a priest in the Archdiocese of Miami, where he served faithfully as a priest for thirteen years, all prior to his being named a bishop of the Roman Catholic Church. In his interview, he discusses his time in the Army Air Corps. He goes on to discuss his conversion experience back to the faith that led him to his vocation. Additionally, he discusses the political entity that is the Catholic Church, and the machinations of the Church. He discusses controversial topics from the death penalty and abortion to sanctuary and a controversy over the singer Madonna and the Pepsi Co. Corporation. He discusses his interactions with Archbishop Coleman Caroll extensively, as well as his time as the first bishop of Pensacola-Tallahassee.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Oral histories --Florida
Set of related objects
FAU Chamber Singers - April 2009.
Fergile, Emmanuel (Conductor), Kover, Krisztina (Piano), FAU Chamber Singers, FAU Department of Music
Date Issued
Subject Headings
Chamber Singers
Set of related objects
FAU Chamber Singers and FAU Vocal Troupe - April 2009.
Fleitas, Patricia P. (Conductor), FAU Chamber Singers, FAU Vocal Troupe, FAU Department of Music
Date Issued
Subject Headings
Chamber music, Choruses with piano
Set of related objects