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Chris Scodari
"They Ain't No Spring Chickens!": A Cultural Analysis of Representations of Older Women in Everybody Loves Raymond.
Celebrating diversity through fashion? A cultural analysis of Tommy Hilfiger online
Christian Rock Goes Mainstream: Youth Culture, Politics and Popular Music in the U.S.
New Age or new opiate? A cultural analysis of "The Celestine Prophecy"
False reflections: Appearance esteem attacks in advertising in "Cosmopolitan", "Working Woman", "GQ", and "Maxim"
Flesh impressions: Television texts of cosmetic surgery and audience negotiation
Identities for sale: Advertising's construction of the ideal teenage girl in "Teen", "Seventeen," and "YM"
Production of meaning in a gendered environment: A communication study of nurses in management
Politics, citizenry, and tabloid-style journalism: The case of the Clinton/Lewinsky scandal
Reaching a new breed of donors: Strategic communication for attracting baby boomers as major donors to public institutions of higher education
content and textual analysis of the "BBC World News" and "CNN Headline News" online services: Frames and news sources in coverage of the second Palestinian intifada
narrative analysis of "The Miami Herald"'s coverage of the Elian Gonzalez saga
From presidential wife to leader in her own right? The media's representation of Hillary Rodham Clinton and the feminine ideal
Investigating "The X-Files": Fandom and the creation of meaning in cyberspace
Communicating space and time perception and ideology in online texts
Envirotronically speaking: A case study of dis-identification in online industrial and oppositional discourse about global warming
Un-resistive reproduction? Medical hegemony, pregnancy, and reality television
Absence of intellect? Spike TV and a crisis in masculinity
Fashion and power: The representation of gender in store window displays
