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Nano-sensors for explosives detection
Determining the sensitive period for magnetic imprinting in loggerhead turtles
Cornoside A, a new monoterpenoid glucoside with an unusual skeleton from cornus controversa
Beyond the attractor metaphor: new quantitative and qualitative methods to analyze interpersonal psychology dynamics
Effects of hippocampal impairment on rodent spatial and non-spatial memory
Evaluating the impact of increased frequency on light rail operations on private traffic
Uncovering the role of the rodent dorsal hippocampus in object recognition memory
Assessment of extreme precipitation events in florida during amo (atlantic multi-decadal oscillation) phases
Hippocampal place cell activity influenced by variations of the novel object recognition task in C57BL/6J mice.
Ethical issues related to implantable cardioverter defibrillators in older adults
“As long as you can find yourself, you’ll never starve” Green consciousness in the Hunger Games trilogy
“A box of wires” a grounded theory approach to synthpop
Bioterrorism: anthrax a case study
Cascading effects of vegetation on peat soil properties and crayfish survival in the Florida Everglades
Can participation in a citizen science project positively affect students’ attitudes toward the environment?
Catastrophic event planning and response optimization for urban areas through dynamic traffic assignment and departure time-slot allocation.
City in the sky: the utopian architecture of Buckminster Fuller
Campus RainWorks challenge: a green infrastructure design challenge
Calpain cleavage of brain glutamic acid decarboxylase 65 is pathological and impairs GABA neurotransmission
Adult self-directed lifelong learners and 19th century baseball history: when an avocation produces seminal work
