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From salps to sea turtles: mercury and selenium in leatherback sea turtles (Dermochelys coriacea).
Women at the heart of change in early modern Spanish theater
Bilingualism and arithmetic - a pilot study
Fracture and fatigue of reinforced overlay made from recycled asphalt pavement
Optimization of bus system characteristics in urban areas under normal and emergency conditions
The planning living-lab network™
Cognitive performance predicted by recreational drug use
Dropout prevention: a study of prevention methods used by high schools to increase graduation rates
The effects of the proactive personality on the levels of job satisfaction and burnout among licensed mental health counselors
Improvements to moving puncture initial data and analysis of gravitational waveforms using the BSSN formalism on the BAM code
Dyadic computer programming instruction for middle school students: friendship promotes learning
A method for determining chemotypes of Briareum asbestinum
Understanding the 'good' in 'good public procurement': A survey of the perspectives of public procurement specialists
Documenting cultural transition through contact archaeology in Tíhoo, Merída, Yucatán
The attentional basis of deontic and moral reasoning in social situations
How do different types of toys influence the complexity of children's play?
Using too much water? Residential lawn water use and lawn irrigation practices: Wellington, FL
Mobile visual search
Modeling methodology for cyber physical system
The relationship of sleep-wake patterns to mood, health and quality of life in community dwelling older adults
