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(21 - 40 of 54)


On Somaesthetics, University of Malaga
Practical Somaesthetics for Dancers & Choreographers
Pragmatism & Somaesthetics
Pragmatism, Somaesthetics, and Contemporary Art
Pragmatism, Somaesthetics, and The Economies of Beauty
Aesthetics Transactions: Pragmatism, Somaesthetics, and Contemporary Art
Advanced Workshop in Somaesthetics/Feldenkrais
Self-Knowledge and Its Discontents
Seminaire Pragmatisme en Pratique
Somaesthetics and Architecture: An Alternative Critique?
Somaesthetic Turn: Somaesthetics East & West
Soma-esthethique et Philosophie
Somaesthetics-Thinking Through the Body and Designing for Interactive Experience
Somaesthetics and Its Implication for CHI
Somaesthetics and the Art of Living
Somatic Style
Authenticity of space
Beyond sustainability
Empathy as a factor of the sublime and beautiful in a wilderness environment
Somaesthetics and Design
