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Cortical KCI reinstates forelimb placing following damage to the internal capsule
Effect of prior sensitization of stereotypy on the development of tolerance to amphetamine-induced hypophagia
Effect of sensitization of stereotyp on the acquisition and retention of tolerance to amphetamine hypophagia
Effects of acute and chronic cocaine on milk intake, body weight, and activity in bottle- and cannula-fed rats
Effects of chronic amphetamine on the appetitive and consummatory phases of feeding
Changes in behavioural contingencies produce a loss of tolerance to amphetamine hypophagia in rats despite continued feeding tests while drugged
Contingent tolerance to amphetamine hypophagia: new insights into the role of environmental context in the expression of stereotypy
Contingent tolerance to the anorexigenic effects of amphetamine
Expression of c-fos mRNA in the basal ganglia associated with contingent tolerance to amphetamine-induced hypophagia
Experiential constraints on the development of tolerance to amphetamine hypophagia following sensitization of stereotypy: instrumental contingencies regulate the expression of sensitization
Role of behavioral and pharmacological variables in the loss of tolerance to amphetamine hypophagia
Role of instrumental learning in tolerance to cathinone hypophagia
Tolerance to amphetamine hypophagia: a microstructural analysis of licking behavior in the rat
Tolerance to amphetamine hypophagia: a real-time depiction of learning to suppress stereotyped movements in the rat
Tolerance to amphetamine: contingent suppression of stereotypy mediates recovery of feeding
Role of activation and sensory stimuli in recovery from lateral hypothalmic damage in the cat
Role of anorexia and behavioral activation in amphetamine-induced suppression of feeding: implications for understanding tolerance
Learned suppression of stereotypy in amphetamine-treated rats: implications for understanding tolerance to amphetamine 'anorexia'
Long-term retention of tolerance to amphetamine hypophagia following cessation of drug injections and feeding tests
Loss of tolerance to amphetamine-induced hypophagia in rats: homeostatic readjustment vs. instrumental learning