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Ky-Hyang Yuhn
Causality between stock prices and exchange rates: A case of the United States
Human capital and endogenous growth
Offshoring and wage convergence
Private Capital Flows and Economic Development: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of Asian and Latin American Countries
Tax revenues and public investment: Unidirectional or bi-directional causality? Some empirical evidence
empirical investigation of uncovered interest parity between the United States and Japan: Cointegration and causality tests
empirical analysis of the convergence hypothesis across countries: New evidence
impact of devaluation on the standard of living of a developing country: Tunisia
cointegration test of purchasing power parity: Some international evidence
test of market efficiency using ARCH models
Stock prices and consumption: A new variable in the consumption function?
Stock Market Efficiency An International Comparison
Stock prices and the money supply: Testing for informational efficiency
Time-Sharing and the Mind of Man: a Management View
Smoking or not smoking? A logit model analysis
Translog and Cobb-Douglas analysis of tourist demand in Florida
Entropic Considerations of Efficiency in the West Texas Intermediate Crude Oil Futures Market
American lookback options: Early exercise
