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3-D bioluminescence mapping
Development of MnO2 Hollow Nanoparticles for Drug Delivery
Suniland, The Magazine of Florida, Volume 3, Number 2, November 1925
“Panyard” Steelpan Experiences Impact on Secondary Teachers’ Pedagogical Practices: A Case Study
Environmental architecture
Examining the relationship between urban green space and sustainable cities
How green is the mouse?
Altered in vitro immune responses in green turtles (Chelonia mydas) with fibropapillomatosis
Polychlorinated biphenyls and p,p’-DDE in loggerhead and green postyearling Atlantic sea turtles
Nitrogen and phosphorus uptakeand release by the blue-green alga Microcoleus lyngbyaceus
Turning green anarchism red: violence, communism and the Homeland Security Advisory System
Nesting Green Turtle Tagged in Cuba, Recaptured in Florida
Activity and Habitat Selection by Loggerhead (Caretta caretta L.) and Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas. L.) Hatchlings: A Laboratory and Field Study.
Re-thinking green: ecofeminist pedagogy and the archetype of the witch in young adult literature
Campus RainWorks challenge: a green infrastructure design challenge
Ecological correlates of the abundance of juvenile green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas) on nearshore reefs in southeast Florida
Sidney Green FAU Men's Basketball Team coach from 1998-2005
Harmful algal and cyanobacterial toxins in foraging green turtles (Chelonia mydas) in Florida’s Big Bend
Arial view of the green space and Wimberly Library in the background on Boca Campus, FAU
The truth about Soviet Russia
