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The nature of temperate anthozoan - dinoflagellate symbioses
Ammonium enhancement of dark carbon fixation and nitrogen limitation in zooxanthellae symbiotic with the reef corals Madracis mirabilis and Montastrea annularis
The relationship between nutritional status and carbon flux in the zooxanthellate sea anemone Aiptasia pallida
An assessment of indices of nutrientsufficiency in symbiotic dinoflagellates
The influence of ‘host release factor’ on carbon release by zooxanthellae isolated from fed and starved Aiptasia pallida (Verrill)
The effects of feeding or addition of dissolved inorganic nutrients in maintaining the symbiosis between dinoflagellates and a tropical marine cnidarian
In situ growth rates of the scleractinian coral Oculina Varicosa  occurring with zooxanthellae on 6-M reefs and without on 80-M banks
Effects of host feeding and dissolved ammonium on cell division and nitrogen status of zooxanthellae in the hydroid Myrionema amboinense
Are free amino acids responsible for the “host factor” effects on symbiotic zooxanthellae in extracts of host tissue?
The role of symbiotic dinoflagellates in the temperature-induced bleaching response of the subtropical sea anemone Aiptasia pallida
A comparison of the thermal bleaching responses of the zoanthid Palythoa caribaeorum from three geographically different regions in south Florida
Alkaline phosphatase activity in symbiotic dinoflagellates (zooxanthellae) as a biological indicator of environmental phosphate exposure
Photoacclimation and the effect of the symbiotic environment on the photosynthetic response of symbiotic dinoflagellates in the tropical marine hydroid Myrionema amboinense
Sunlight and water transparency: cornerstones in coral research