Current Search:  Wireless LANS (x)

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Indoor Localization using WiFi Wireless LANs
Energy-efficient target coverage in heterogeneous wireless sensor networks
Implementation of the Sensor-MAC protocol for the JiST/SWANS simulator
Design and implementation of an energy model for JiST/SWANS simulator
Home automation and power conservation using ZigBeeª
Analysis of quality of service (QoS) in WiMAX networks
Indoor localization using Wi-Fi fingerprinting
Efficient localized broadcast algorithms in mobile ad hoc networks
Range assignment problem and security in wireless networks
Mitigating worm propagation on virtual LANs
Simulation study of beacon time synchronization algorithm in low rate wireless personal area networks
An Empirical Study of Ordinal and Non-ordinal Classification Algorithms for Intrusion Detection in WLANs
An implementation of the IEEE 1609.4 wave standard for use in a vehicular networking testbed
Implementation of the IEEE 1609.2 WAVE Security Services Standard