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Visual cues in active monocular vision for autonomous navigation
Visual threat cues for autonomous navigation
Performance analysis of compression algorithms for noisy multispectral underwater images of small targets
Effects of adaptation on the perception of motion: The influence of competing mechanisms
On the perception of relational motion
Vision in the hyperiid amphipod Scina crassiicornis
Computer vision techniques for quantifying, tracking, and identifying bioluminescent plankton
Characterization of A Stereo Vision System For Object Classification For USV Navigation
Crepuscular and nocturnal illumination and its effects on color perception in the nocturnal hawkmoth Deilephila elpenor
Temporal resolution and spectral sensitivity of the visual system of three coastal shark speciesfrom different light environments
A Deep Learning Approach To Target Recognition In Side-Scan Sonar Imagery
Comparative studies of retinal design among sea turtles: Histological and behavioral correlates of the visual streak
Cooperative self-organization in the perception of coherent motion
visual rotation invariant in fixated motion
Spontaneous pattern changes for bistable apparent motion stimuli: Perceptual satiation or memory attraction?
Selective texture characterization using Gabor filters
Synthesis of vision-based robot calibration using moving cameras
Competition between opposing motion directions in the perception of apparent motion: A new look at an old stimulus
Temporal resolution in mesopelagic crustaceans
Underwater applications of solid-state laser technology
