Current Search:  United States -- Politics and government -- 1775-1783 (x)

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Mr. Clark's Election Sermon
The Virginia constitution of 1776. A discourse delivered before the Virginia Historical Society, at their annual meeting, January 17th, 1852.
The Triumph of the Whigs, or, T'other Congress convened. [Three lines from Garth].
An oration; delivered March sixth, 1775 At the request of the inhabitants of the town of Boston; to commemorate the bloody tragedy of the fifth of March, 1770.
Exposé des droits des colonies britanniques : pour justifier le projet de leur indépendance.
An address of the Convention of the Representatives of the state of New-York to their constituents.
A view of the controversy subsisting between Great-Britain and the American colonies. : a sermon, preached at a fast, in Marlborough in Massachusetts-Bay, on Thursday May 11, 1775.
An oration delivered at Charlestown, on the seventy-fifth anniversary of the Battle of Bunker Hill, June 17, 1850
Lettre de Mr. ***** à Mr. S.B. docteur en médecine à Kingston, dans la Jamaïque,
Reponse de Mr. J. de Pinto, aux observations d'un homme impartial,
A sermon preached at Hatfield December 15th, 1774
A sermon, in which the union of the colonies is considered and recommended; and the bad consequences of divisions are represented. : Delivered on the public thanksgiving. November sixteenth, 1775.
An address delivered at the laying of the corner stone of the Bunker Hill monument
A sermon on the present situation of American affairs : Preached in Christ-Church, June 23, 1775
Due glory to be given to God. : a discourse containing two sermons preached in Cambridge May 15, 1783. Being a day appointed by government for publick fasting and prayer.
A sermon, delivered at Middletown, July 20th, A.D. 1775.
rhetoric of unity in a pluralistic early America
Seconde lettre de M. de Pinto, à l'occasion des troubles des colonies, : contenant des réflexions politiques sur les suites de ces troubles, & sur l'état actuel de l'Angleterre.
Observations d'un homme impartial sur la Lettre de Mr. ***** à Mr. S.B.
Nouvelles observations sur la Seconde lettre de Mr. de Pinto :
