Current Search:  Underwater acoustics--Measurement (x)

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Acoustic propagation over a range-dependent bathymetry
Modelling of underwater ambient noise due to whitecaps
Modeling of shallow water ambient noise directionality using the effective depth approximation
investigation of the acoustic field in wedge-shaped scale models of continental shelf regions
The Comprehensive Evaluation of Performance and Environmental Influence on MPSK Modulated High-Speed Acoustic Communications in Shallow Water
Sediment classification of the sea floor using the Chirp Sonar and the Biot model
investigation of the influence of surface roughness on reflection coefficients measured by a chirp sonar using a laser profiling of the seafloor
normal incidence reflection coefficient of a sandy seabed as a function of frequency
Influence of depth-dependent sediment properties on the pressure reflection coefficient at normal incidence using the Biot-Stoll model
A Study of the Underwater Acoustic Propagation in a Turning Basin Modeled as a Three-Dimensional Duct Closed at One End Using the Method of Images
An Investigation into the Acoustic Variability and the Attenuation of an Acoustic Signal within a Port Environment Focusing on Port Everglades, Florida