Current Search:  Turbulence--Mathematical models. (x)

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Rational study of incompressible turbulent flows
Noise Radiation From A Cylindrical Embossment Immersed In Turbulent Boundary Layer Flow
Rapid distortion theory for rotor inflows
Numerical Assessment of Eddy-Viscosity Turbulence Models of an Axial-Flow Turbine at a Low Reynolds Number
Predicting the flow & noise of a rotor in a turbulent boundary layer using an actuator disk – Rans approach
CFD Study of Pectoral Fins of Larval Zebrafish: Effect of Reynolds Number, Swimming Kinematics and Fin Bending on Fluid Structures and Transport.
Numerical Simulation of an Ocean Current Turbine Operating in a Wake Field
Far-Field Noise From a Rotor in a Wind Tunnel