Current Search:  Strategic planning. (x)

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meta-analytic review of the diversification-performance relationship: Aggregating findings in strategic management
Influences on the performance of organizational knowledge transfer
Florida Atlantic University Libraries vision, mission, and strategic plan 2003-2008
Florida Atlantic University Libraries' mission, vision, and strategic plan 2008-2012
analysis of the strategic planning process as applied to the school board of Palm Beach County
method for the optimization of product development resource allocation
concept of fit
Antecedents of IT-Business Strategic Alignment and the Moderating Roles of Goal Commitment and Environmental Uncertainty
Building indigenous firm capabilities in an emerging economy: Knowledge and cooperation in Brazilian industry
A Qualitative Examination of Strategic Planning and Process Improvement in Public Universities: Dynamics of the Relationship to State Funding, Competition, and Undergraduate Degree Completion
Our Living Oceans: Research, Partnerships & Stewardship for the Future
Essays on international acquisitions
Entrepreneurial Alertness, Metacognitive Knowledge, and Opportunity Identification
Perceptions of industry practitioners toward an academic degree program in public assembly facility management
Policy entrepreneurship: a descriptive portrait of higher education leaders
Three essays on competitive acquisition bids
Corporate strategic reorientation and adjustment: A longitudinal analysis of the effects of top management teams
comparative, holistic, multi-case study of the implementation of the Strategic Thinking Protocolà and traditional strategic planning processes at a southeastern university
Executive fire officers' strategic thinking capabilities and the relationship with information and communication technology
Agency costs and accounting quality within an all-equity setting: the role of free cash flows and growth opportunities
