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Equity and the formation of revolutionary and conservative coalitions in triads
Interpersonal engagement in social perception: the consequences of getting into the action
What do people think they're doing? Action identification and human behavior
Dispositionally speaking, what you see is what you get
Thinking inside the box—dynamical constraints on mind and action: Comment on Marsh et al.’s ‘‘Toward a radically embodied, embedded social psychology,’’ this issue
To belong or to self-enhance? Motivational bases for choosing interaction partners
Interacting in electronic space: Group dynamics resulting from individual change
A Longitudinal Investigation ofFriendship Similarity: Selection and Socialization in Adolescent Behavior
On the Importance of Being Fun: Over Time Associations Between Perceptions of Fun and Changes in Peer Preference and Popularity
What's so fair about the status quo?
Gender Stereotypes and Gender Identity as Interacting Influences on Children's Self-Concepts: A Self-Socialization Model of Gender Development
Child Maltreatment and Maladaptive Behavior: An Exploration of the Role of Hostility, Social Influence, and Proximity, Regarding Social Learning in Children
exploratory investigation of self-actualization, social support, and dietary quality in later adulthood
It's a small world after all: Mapping social space
social interaction of co-partner sex participants
Attachment styles and aggressor-victim relationships in preadolescence
Leading the way: the relationships between effective teachers' interactions with their students and their students' interactions with each other in two multi-grade parochial classrooms
Exploring Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Voices: A Critical Case Study With Middle School Students
downside of self-esteem stability
Adolescent relationships and their contributions to social and academic competence
