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The attentional basis of deontic and moral reasoning in social situations
You should be ashamed of yourself
Pluralistic ignorance and explicit attitudes on academic cheating in college students and faculty
Corporate Social Responsibility and Strategic Performance: Realizing A Competitive Advantage through Corporate Social Reputation and a Stakeholder Network Approach
Can Priming a Firm’s Organizational Identity Overcome the Influences of National Culture on Auditor Judgment?
The Effects of Social Structure on Individual Actions: a Social Cognition and Social Structure Approach
Rhetorical "Mosaicism" and Intractable Conflict: George W. Bush on Stem Cells
For Pets’ Sake: Is There a Need for Dog Safety Community Education?
relationship of self transcendance, social interest, and spirituality to well-being in HIV-AIDS adults
developmental effect of the presence of a recipient in a modified dictator game
Coming Soon From a Screen Near You: The Camera’s Gaze in the Age of Surveillance
Focusing on the local, connecting to the global: the role and success of local media stations in Kargil
The “Shepard” will guide us: a textual analysis of hegemonic reinforcement and resistance in the mass effect video game series
The Role of Interorganizational Trust in the Merger and Acquisition Process
An address to the Phi Beta Kappa Society of Brown University : delivered 5th September, 1832
Abraham Lincoln : the just magistrate, the representative statesman, the practical philanthropist : address
The Impact of Native American Activism and the Media on Museum Exhibitions of Indigenous Peoples: Two Case Studies
Vetting sources in social media environments
philosophical analysis of America's transformation to universal health care
