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Spawning by captive serranid fishes: a review
Species profile: Grouper aquaculture
Gonad morphology and sex succession in the protogynous hermaphrodite Hemanthias vivanus (Jordan and Swain)
Grouper culture
Comparison of some developmental nutritional behavioral and health factors relevant to stocking of striped mullet (Mugildae) sheepshead (Sparidae) common snook (Centropomidae) and Nassau groupers (Serranidae)
Burrow utilization by yellowedge grouper, Epinephelus flavolimbatus, in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico
Submersible avoidance by yellowfin bass, Anthias nicholsi
Observations on the life history of the belted sandfish, Serranus subligarius (Serranidae)
Egg and larval development of laboratory-reared Nassau grouper, Epinephelus striatus (Pisces, Serranidae)
Juvenile Population Dynamics of Families Lutjanidae and Serranidae in the Gulf of Mexico, with Respect to the Loop Current and other Hydrographic Features
Egg production and completion of the life cycle of belted sandfish (Serranus subligarius) in captivity