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To belong or to self-enhance? Motivational bases for choosing interaction partners
Self-esteem Mediates Over-time Association From Parenting Practices to Adolescent Adjustment
Dynamics of self-system coherence: Relations of entropy and global properties
relationship between body art and adolescent self esteem
The Inactive Self: Mental Representation of Dormant Social Roles
Another look at gender identity in preadolescence
The Affective Individual: The Influence of Self-Structure on The Experience of Discrete and Mixed Emotions
downside of self-esteem stability
Maintaining self-intergrity through superstitious behavior
Waking Up
Influences of perceived parenting and attachment style on change in self-esteem during middle childhood
Longitudinal Change in Friendship Quality and Adolescent
Selective exposure attribution theory: Implications for better than average biases
Average (arithmetic mean) of women’s bodies
A Longitudinal Latent Profile Analysis of Adolescent Popularity: A Test of the Bistrategic Hypothesis
A survival analysis of adolescent friendships: the downside of dissimilarity
Understanding narcissism and self-esteem in children
Sports and its effects on gender typing
Patterns of Stable Early Adolescent Friendships and Their Associations with Individual Adjustment
Poor self-concept and victimization by peers: Untangling the direction of influence
