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Understanding narcissism and self-esteem in children
hand as creator in Wallace Stevens: Perception, sensation, and the phenomenal self
Interpretation of forced and unforced choice behavior
I’d rather be a sage than a cyborg: re-theorizing posthumanism through religious wisdom literature
Only the Body Remembers
moi et l'autre dans Robinson Crusoe de Daniel Defoe et Vendredi ou les limbes du Pacifique de Michel Tournier
Components of self
Perceptions of the environment: an ethnographic study of sensory awareness and environmental activism among south Florida yoga practitioners
Narcissism, perceptions of peer relationships, and target-specific aggression in middle childhood
Caring for self for nursing leaders: Climbing to the mountain peak
Motives to effort in America : an address before the Young Men's Association for mutual improvement in the village of West Troy, delivered February 13, 1840