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Selective exposure attribution theory: Implications for better than average biases
Gender Stereotypes and Gender Identity as Interacting Influences on Children's Self-Concepts: A Self-Socialization Model of Gender Development
developmental costs of high self-esteem
Conscious and non-conscious bases of social judgement
Power, instability and regulatory focus
downside of self-esteem stability
Social networks and personality in a liberal arts college
Social networks and personality in a Liberal Arts College
Relationship Between Psychological Factors and Acute Strength Task Performance
Digit ratio (2D:4D) predicts communion in exploratory structural equation modeling of self-narratives
self-regulation of a child with cochlear implants within a school environment
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Healing Transcendence: Social Media Use by Persons in the Transplant Journey
Average (arithmetic mean) of women’s bodies
relationship of self transcendance, social interest, and spirituality to well-being in HIV-AIDS adults
Fattitude The Movie: Theory and Praxis of Creating a Documentary that Examines Fat Representation and Fat Social Justice
effect of student participation in student success skills on pro-social and bullying behavior
That's SO last century
Motives to effort in America : an address before the Young Men's Association for mutual improvement in the village of West Troy, delivered February 13, 1840