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Negotiation of meaning in interlanguage talk
Spanish accented English: Pronunciation accuracy and factors affecting L2 acquisition
Belongingness and integrative motivation in second language acquisition
Phonological memory and the development of vocabulary and grammar in young Spanish-English bilinguals
application of the less is more hypothesis in foreign language learning
The effects of gesturing, blocked order, and incremental presentation in foreign language learning
Language production and comprehension in bilingual children
An Examination of Academic Performance of Haitian- Creole- and Spanish-Speaking English Language Learners Based on the Number of Years in the ELL program
Relations between Home Language Exposure and Vocabulary Development in Bilingual Toddlers
The Out-of-Home Dual Language Exposure of Children from Spanish-Speaking Homes: Changes from 2 to 5 Years
role of other-regulation in second language learners of beginning Spanish
The emotional experience of language in English Spanish bilinguals
English language learners in Florida
Comparing the use of second language communication strategies in oral interaction and synchronous computer-mediated communication
Examining principled L1 use in the foreign language classroom
The analysis of barriers and motivators of early care and education English as a second language students enrolled in a state college customized ECE ESL course
Teacher perceptions of response to intervention for English learners
Attitudes towards multilanguage use among Latino and Asian immigrants in the United States
Third age adult English language learners in informal library settings
Antecedents and Outcomes of Language Choice in Bilingual Toddlers: A Longitudinal Study
