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Metamorphosis and post-settling development of Sabellaria vulgaris (Verrill, 1873) (Polychaeta: Sabellariidae)
Metamorphosis and settlement in the Sabellariidae
Development studies of the post-settling stages of Sabellaria vulgaris (Polychaeta: Sabellariidae)
Morphogenesis of larval cuticle in the polychaete Phragmatopoma lapidosa: A correlated scanning and transmission electron microscopic study from egg envelope formation to larval metamorphosis
A scanning electron microscope study of the life history of Phragmatopoma lapidosa (Polychaeta: Sabellariidae) [abstract]
Influence of wave-induced disturbance on seasonal spawning patterns in the sabellariid polychaete Phragmatopoma lapidosa
Larval Development of Sabellaria floridensis from Florida and Phragmatopoma californica from southern California (Polychaeta: Sabellariidae), with a key to the sabellariid larvae of Florida and a review of development in the family
Ultrastructure of spermatogenesis in the reef-building polychaete Phragmatopoma lapidosa (Sabellariidae) with special reference to acrosome morphogenesis
Scanning electron miscrosopic observations of the larval development of the reef-building polychaete Phragmatopoma lapidosa
Ontogeny of phototaxis and geotaxis during larval development of the sabellariid polychaete Phragmatopoma lapidosa
Community composition, stability, and trophic partitioning in decapod crustaceans inhabiting some subtropical sabellariid worm reefs: Studies on decapod crustacea from the Indian River region of Florida, IV
Evidence of anthropogenic nitrogen enrichment of the littoral waters of east central Florida
Coastal pollution studies at the Harbor Branch Foundation Laboratory