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Basic design and performance analysis of an inertial navigation system for an autonomous underwater vehicle
Water, sediment, and organism sampling systems designed for small ROVs
CORD II - an ROV system for use in high current conditions
Modeling the forward look sonar
Underwater marketplace: ROV tooling
Hybrid telemanipulation simulation for mission rehearsal and intervention
RAM (rotary actuated manipulator)
Cord II a technical summary of an unmanned, tethered observation and rescue submersible
Determination of Horizontal Motion through Optical Flow Computations
Remotely operated tools for undersea vehicles
An advanced submersible handling system
Deep-sea benthic and benthopelagic medusae: recent observations from submersibles and a remotely operated vehicle
Deep ocean ROV operated coring device
A precision navigation system for autonomous undersea vehicles
Development of tools for underwater vehicles
Fast underwater acoustic data link design via multicarrier modulation and higher-order statistics equalization
three-dimensional forward-look sonar simulation model
Modern power distribution and conversion in undersea systems
Habitat and fauna of deep-water Lophelia pertusa coral reefs off the southeastern US: Blake Plateau, Straits of Florida, and Gulf of Mexico
Design and implementation of an altitude flight controller for the FAU Ocean Voyager II
