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Winning the Peace: A Series of 21 Articles on Post-War Planning
Die nächsten aufgaben beim neuaufbau Deutschlands, beschlüsse der parteikonferenz der Kommunistischen partei Deutschlands am 2. und 3. märz 1946 in Berlin
Eastern Europe and the United States
Program for people's Poland
Korea looks ahead
Proceedings of the Conference on Africa--new perspectives
The core of a continent; problems of central and eastern Europe
Peace planning for Central and Eastern Europe
Beyond war, an introduction to a series of leaflets on post-war problems
America's decisive battle
Employment after the war
Economics of defense and reconstruction; symposium by a score of speakers at Lake Mahopac Summer Conference of the League for Industrial Democracy.
Our job in the Pacific
Industrial property in Europe
Basic principles for the peace table
Report on war and post-war adjustment policies : February 15, 1944