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A Content Analysis of State Political Party Newspapers
The Analysis of Variance in Party Loyalty: The Eighty-seventh Congress
Party Platforms: The Measurement of a Dualism in a Moving Consensus
Party Competition as a Function of Demographic Variables
Right-libertarians, the Fair Tax, and big government
Transcending political party constraints
Address by Governor Woodrow Wilson of New Jersey, delivered at the dinner of the Democratic Club in Philadelphia, on Tuesday night, February 21, 1911.
Address by Theodore Roosevelt before the convention of the National Progressive Party in Chicago, August 1912.
The great fraud upon the public credulity in the organization of the Republican party upon the ruins of the "Whig party," an address to the old-line Whigs of the Union.
Lessons from the elections for the victors and the vanquished : a discourse delivered before the First Congregational Church, New Bedford, November 9th, 1874
Why the Republican Party should be trusted; the key-note by Henry Ward Beecher at the Academy of Music, Brooklyn, Monday evening, June 14, 1880.
Extracts from Gen. James A. Garfield's speeches in support of law, order, and justice, the Constitutional powers of the government and the maintenance of the honor and interests of the people and nation.