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Decade of progress: origins of the Pérez art museum Miami
The Multitude Speaks in Style: An Analysis of Vernacular Agency Through Images of Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Ritual for revolution
Immigrant political and social involvement: motives and organizational contexts
Public intellectuals in Latin America: Writers and politics [and] Quetzalcoatl's Feathers
Commodification of sexual labor
Chavez and the media
Opposition politics and populism
Pentecostalism, development and democracy in Latin America
Multicultural discourse: A comparative case study of government practices in facilitation of multicultural public discourse in South Florida
Building Cosmopolitical Solidarity from the Antigone: A Return to the Chorus
Neolocalism and Activating the Urban Landscape: Economics, Social Networks and Creation of Place
The Politics of Silence: The Public and Private Matter of Theresa Marie Schiavo
From Subaltern to President: Evo Morales, New Social Movements, and Regional Autonomies in Bolivia
An address delivered before the Maine Historical Society, at Bowdoin College, on the afternoon of the annual commencement, September 5, 1849.
Christian Rock Goes Mainstream: Youth Culture, Politics and Popular Music in the U.S.
New Age or new opiate? A cultural analysis of "The Celestine Prophecy"
Crisis in colonialism: The South Seas writing of Robert Louis Stevenson
Micropolitics of transition in Yugoslavia
American national identity and discourses of the frontier in early 20th century visual culture
