Current Search:  Pilgrims New Plymouth Colony (x)

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An anniversary sermon preached at Plymouth, December 23, 1776 : In grateful memory of the first landing of our worthy ancestors in that place, An. Dom. 1620.
Speech of Mr. Webster, at the celebration of the New York New England society, December 23, 1850.
A discourse delivered before the New England Society, in the city of New-York, December 22, 1847 by J. Prescott Hall.
An oration delivered at Plymouth, December 22, 1824
 An address delivered before the New England Society of Philadelphia; at its semiannual meeting in May, 1824
A discourse, delivered at Plymouth, December 22, 1820 : in commemoration of the first settlement of New-England
A sermon preached at Plymouth, December 22d, 1774. Being the anniversary thanksgiving, in commemoration of the first landing of our New-England ancestors in that place, Anno Dom. 1620