Current Search:  Philosophy in literature (x)

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Simulation, creation and reproduction in Dystopian science fiction
hand as creator in Wallace Stevens: Perception, sensation, and the phenomenal self
I’d rather be a sage than a cyborg: re-theorizing posthumanism through religious wisdom literature
philosophy of magic
"Room for you and me"
Let them run wild
ecocritical and metaphorical analysis of "Cereus Blooms at Night"
Reclaiming Wonder
amtal rule
Among Figures in Multiple Worlds
Can I call you brother?
Firing back!
Only the Body Remembers
Only sound remains
Homoerotic encounters in the fictions of Edgar Allan Poe
philosophy of the animal in 20th century literature
"mental crisis" of John Stuart Mill: The destruction of a mechanical consciousness
Mind the Gap: Overcoming Dualities in Motor City, USA
The sui generis in Charles G. Finney’s The Circus Of Dr. Lao
moi et l'autre dans Robinson Crusoe de Daniel Defoe et Vendredi ou les limbes du Pacifique de Michel Tournier
