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Examining the factor structure of the riverside situational Q-SORT
implications of self-selection for the adaptiveness of the fundamental attribution error
Basic or Fabulous? Developing a Life Complexity Scale
The DIAMONDS at Work: Applying the DIAMONDS Dimensions to Occupations
Assessing Situations On Social Media: Temporal, Demographic, And Personality Influences On Situation Experience
Emotional and Behavioral Effects within the Triadic Family System: Actor-Partner Interdependence between Parents and Preschoolers
Personality and perceptions of situations from the thematic apperception test: quantifying alpha and beta press
The directionality of person-situation transactions: Spill-over effects among and between situation experiences and personality states
Evaluating the effects of data collection methodology on the assessment of situations with the riverside situational q-sort
The Impact of a School Counselor Led Intervention on Grade 5African American Student Self-Regulation, Test Anxiety andSchool Attendance
Pluralistic ignorance and explicit attitudes on academic cheating in college students and faculty
The Impact of Ready to Learn, A School Counselor-Led Intervention on Pro-Social Skills and Reading Skills of First Grade Students
Indicators linked to the success of students with psychological disabilities in urban community college allied health sciences programs
An analysis of personality and the effect of peer influence on deviant behavior during adolescence