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The Relationships Among the Behavioral Agility of School Leadership Teams, Culture, and Performance
Corporate strategic reorientation and adjustment: A longitudinal analysis of the effects of top management teams
An Examination of the Role of Learning in the Work of Community Leaders
Identification strategies and unobtrusive control in organizational change initiatives: A textual analysis of corporate newsletters
Moving Mountains: Animal Rights Organizations, Emotion, and Autodidactic Frame Alignment
Moving Towards Fairness and Diversity? An Analysis of Perceptions from Employees Working in the United States Department of the Interior
Improving methods of communication based on culture in the business environment
relationship between leadership styles of directors of accredited higher education respiratory care programs and faculty satisfaction, willingness to exert extra effort, perceived director effectiveness, and program outcomes
The Role of Interorganizational Trust in the Merger and Acquisition Process
Rhetoric of Federal Mission Statements: Power, Values, and Audience