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Polychaeta: oogenesis
Oogenesis and female gametes
Origin and development of the amoebocytes of Nicolea zostericola (Polychaeta: Terebellidae) with a discussion of their possible role in oogenesis
An ultrastructural study of oogenesis in Streblospio benedicti (Spionidae), with remarks on diversity of vitellogenic mechanisms in Polychaeta
Ultrastructure of oogenesis in the holopelagic polychaetes Rhynchonerella angelini and Alciopa reynaudii ( Polychaeta: Alciopidae)
Ultrastructure of the ovary and oogenesis in the ovoviviparous ophiuroid Ophiolepis paucispina (Echinodermata)
The ultrastructure of oogenesis and yolk formation in Labidocera aestiva (Copepoda: Calanoida)
Ultrastructure of the ovary andoogenesis in the polychaete Capitella jonesi (Hartman, 1959)
Evolutionary radiation in polychaete ovaries and vitellogenic mechanisms: their possible role in life history patterns
Ultrastructural evidence for both autosynthetic andheterosynthetic yolk formation in the oocytes of an annelid (Phragmatopoma Lapidosa: Polychaeta)
Ovarian morphology and oogenesis in Aurelia aurita (Scyphozoa: Semaeostomae): ultrastructural evidence of heterosynthetic yolk formation in a primitive metazoan
Ovarian development in the class Holothuroidea: a reassessment of the “tubule recruitment model.”
Vitellogenic mechanisms and the allocation of energy to offspring in polychaetes