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Oogenesis and female gametes
Role of ovarian follicle cells in vitellogenesis and oocyte resorption in Capitella sp. I (Polychaeta)
The origin of cortical vesicles and their role in egg envelope formation in the "spiny" eggs of a calanoid copepod, Centropages velificatus
Evidence for endocytotic incorporation of nutrients from thehaemal sinus by the oocytes of the brittlestar Ophiolepis paucispina.
Ultrastructural evidence for both autosynthetic andheterosynthetic yolk formation in the oocytes of an annelid (Phragmatopoma Lapidosa: Polychaeta)
Structure of the ovotestis and evidence for heterosynthetic incorporation of yolk precursors in the oocytes of the nudibranch mollusc, Spurilla neapolitana