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Nearshore and shelf-edge Oculina coral reefs: the effects of upwelling on coral growth and on the associated faunal communities
Sediment produced from abrasion of the branching stony coral Oculina Varicosa
Final Oculina evaluation team report, Oculina Experimental Closed Area (OECA).
Habitat and fish populations in the deep-sea Oculina coral ecosystem of the Western Atlantic
Oculina coral banks of Florida:conservation and management of a deep-water reserve
In situ growth rates of the scleractinian coral Oculina Varicosa  occurring with zooxanthellae on 6-M reefs and without on 80-M banks
Semi-annual report.  South Atlantic shelf-edge MPAs and Oculina Experimental Closed Area.  Summary of accomplishments, April 2015 to September 30, 2015.  Project ID#: NA14NMF441049.  Report to SAFMC and NOAA
Biological and geological processes at the shelf edge investigated with submersibles
Community composition, structure, areal and trophic relationships of decapods associated with shallow- and deep-water Oculina Varicosa coral reefs: Studies on decapod crustacea from the Indian River region of Florida, XXIV
Assessment of fish populations and habitat on Oculina Bank, a deep-sea coral marine protected area off eastern Florida
Submersible studies of deepwaterOculina and Lophelia coral banks off southeastern U.S.A.
Mapping, habitat characterization, and fish surveys of the deep-water Oculina coral reef Marine Protected Area: a review of historical and current research
Sediments from a living shelf-edge reef and adjacent area off central eastern Florida
Long term monitoring of a deep-water coral reef: effects of bottom trawling
South Atlantic MPAs and Oculina HAPC: Characterization of benthic habitat and biota.  NOAA Ship Pisces Cruise 15-02.  NOAA CIOERT Cruise Report
Distribution and structure of deep-water Oculina varicosa coral reefs off central eastern Florida
Deep-water reefs off the southeastern U.S.: recent discoveries and research