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The early history of Wall street; 1653-1789
Leadership Challenges Women Face in New York City Local Government
Communication from His Honor the Mayor, Fernando Wood : transmitted to the Common Council of New-York, February 4th, 1856.
Address and proceedings of the Democratic State Convention : held at Syracuse, September 13, 1853.
Governor Seymour drove the rebels from Pennsylvania and quelled the draft riots in New York City : remarks of John G. Schumaker and George Opdyke, republican mayor during the riots : in the New York State Constitutional Convention, January 29, 1868.
An address delivered at the opening of the Brooklyn Female Academy : on Monday evening, May 4, 1846
Address to the graduating class of the Law School of Columbia College : delivered at the request of the trustees of the college, at the commencement, May 16, 1866.
"One country! One constitution! One Destiny!" : Speeches of William Curtis Noyes, Daniel S. Dickinson, and Lyman Tremain at the Great Union War Ratification Meeting, held at the Cooper Institute, in the city of New York October 8th, 1862.
Proceedings at the mass meeting of loyal citizens : on Union square, New-York, 15th day of July, 1862, under the auspices of the Chamber of commerce of the state of New York, the Union defence committee of the citizens of New York, the Common council of t
Proceedings and address, of the Democratic State Convention : held at Syracuse, January tenth and eleventh, 1856.
Speeches of Hon. Horatio Seymour : at the conventions held at Albany, January 31, 1861 and September 10, 1862
History of the Buffalo public schools : an address by Oliver G. Steele, ex-superintendent of schools, delivered before the Buffalo Historical Society on Friday evening, January 23, 1863.
Remarks of Mr. Babcock, of Erie, on the Roman Catholic Church property bill: : in the Senate, June 24, 1853, upon the motion to strike out the enacting clause of the bill.
Free soil, free speech, free men : proceedings of the Democratic Republican State Convention at Syracuse, July 24, 1856 : the address and resolutions, with the list of delegates.
The politico-social foundations of our republic : a sermon preached by the Rev. Samuel T. Spear, pastor of the South Presbyterian Church of Brooklyn, N.Y. On Thanksgiving Day, December 12, 1844
Speech of Hon. Horatio Seymour, before the Democratic Union state convention, at Albany, September 10th, 1862, on receiving the nomination for governor : also, his speech delivered at the Albany convention, Jan. 31st, 1861.
Speech of the Hon. James E. Cooley, before the democracy of Syracuse, in mass meeting assembled, on Tuesday evening, Nov. 1, 1853.
Sermon on Thanksgiving-day, Thursday, November 20, 1856 by George W. Bethune, Minister of the Reformed Dutch Church on the Heights, Brooklyn.
The providence of God in the calamities of men : a sermon preached for the Duane-Street Church, and also in the Rutgers-Street Church, on Sabbath December 20, 1835 ; on occasion of the destructive fire, in the first ward in the city of New-York, on the ni
The union of states : an oration delivered before the Order of United Americans, at the Academy of Music, New York, Feb. 22, 1855, on the occasion of the celebration of the one hundred & twenty-third anniversary of the birthday of Washington by the Hon. T
