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Localization of chemical and electrical synapses in the retina
Efficient Representation of Natural Visual Input in the Thalamus
Analyses of neuronal replacement in the neuron-depleted olfactory systems in adult mice
effect of ambient temperature on serotonin syndrome
Representation of object-in-context within mouse hippocampal neuronal activity
Selective Activation of the SK1 Subtype of Small Conductance Ca2+ Activated K+ Channels by GW542573X in C57BL6J Mice Impairs Hippocampal-dependent Memory
Neurotransmitter systems and EEG related to acupuncture
The Limbic Thalamus
Roles of serotonin 2A receptor in a serotonin syndrome
Role of taurine in the central nervous system
Effects of target neuron loss on olfactory sensory neurons in adult mice
Over-Expression of BDNF Does Not Rescue Sensory Deprivation-Induced Death of Adult-Born Olfactory Granule Cells
Of Mice, Men and Memories: The Role of the Rodent Hippocampus in Object Recognition